Chapter 8

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Hia! Another update! Yay! I was supposed to go over my Auntie's house for my Uncle's birthday but... My Dad's ill... Soo yeah! On with da chaptaaa!


You and Link had been walking for a while now and it was sunset. Your stomach growled, and you blushed from embarrassment. "S-Sorry..." You mumbled. "You hungry?" Link asked, you nodded a little, he pulled out some apples. "Here I hope it's enough." He said. "Thanks." You said taking one as he ate the other. By the time you had finished it was dark out, so you and Link decided to settle down and make a fire. As Link worked on the fire you tied up Epona and set your and Link's sheaths on the ground, you had brought Epona along if you needed a quick get away which you thought was a good idea. "and... Done!" Link said as the flames grew and danced like waves on a stormy sea.

Link sat down beside you and you put your head on his shoulder, he smiled to himself, he was so glad that he had saved you, and needless to say, you were happy too. You soon fell asleep on his shoulder and he smiled, kissing your forehead, he set you down and fell asleep next to you.

~Le time skip~ To da morning of course! XD

You woke up to Link poking your cheek playfully, "(Yyyyy/n~" He said, dragging your name, you groaned a little and turned away. "(Yyyyyyy/n)~" He sang again, you opened your eyes and pulled him down, he laughed. "Get up silly billy." He said, you laughed a little. "Okay, okay..." You said groggily, yawning. "You want to ride Epona today? You seem tired." Link asked. You shook your head. "I don't want to tire her out." You explained. He shook his head. "Nope baby. You're tired, you're riding." He stated before picking you up, you squealed. "Link!!" You shrieked, you hated being picked up. He laughed, and threw you upon Epona, who stood still for you. Link rolled on the floor laughing as you clutched Epona's reign. "Not. Funny." You said breaking up the words to sound serious, this just made Link laugh even more as you pouted, crossing your arms like a child. Eventually you were laughing along with him and started walking, it took you a while to get used to since you had never been on a horse before.

You had been walking and chatting and you were only now steady on Epona's back, suddenly Link jumps on and clicks his tongue sending Epona into a full gallop, you screamed clutching the reigns for dear life, Link put his arms around you and you settled a little. "It's alright, I won't drop you, see?" He said pulling you to one side and pulling you back up smirking. You shrieked, "LINK!!" He laughed a little and shook his head.

You had got to the castle a little quicker than expected after the gallop. Now you had to find a way in. Link found a secret passage leading into the castle, he tried pulling up the trap but it wouldn't work. Then he noticed the words engraved in the golden plate on the hatch. 'Thou who feels heart will feel more evil, thou who feels nothing will take over so, travel to the land that you once knew, filled with evil and a heart of stone, cold as snow' Link read the words and then said. "The king's riddle." Your eyes widen as you remember it. "So if we solve it, we get in the castle." You mumbled to yourself. Link nodded, hearing you. You and Link thought for a while, only for you to be hit down. "Gaaaaaah!!" You shouted as Link looked down surprised. It was a ChuChu. A very. big. ChuChu.

Link got out his gust jar ready. (Yeeeah I'm basically going for Minish Cap here guys.) and aimed it at the creatures tentacles. No sooner that it started sucking in the goo, it started coming toward him, leaving you alone. It fell and he struck it a few times before it got up again. This carried on for a while as you crawled away, you had landed awkwardly on your leg, with the ChuChu above it. Once he finished it off he dropped his sword and sprinted over to you. "Oh my god! Are you okay?!" He asked. "M-My leg..." Was all you could muster holding your leg, he examined it a little but once he touched it you yelped. "Sorry (Y/n) sorry..." He said walking over to Epona, he got a First Aid kit from his saddle-bag. Soon your leg was wrapped in a bandage. "Th-thanks..." You mumbled. He nodded and kissed your cheek. "Stay here." He  said you shook your head. "N-No." You said trying to get up, you fell back down. "No, you stay here. I'll go look for help, Navi! Stay with her." Navi nodded and Link rode off to get help. As soon as he was out of sight and hearing distance you shouted. "Gaaah it hurts it hurts it hurts!!!!!" You yelled clutching your leg. Navi swooped down to comfort you. "Shhhhh... It's okay (Y/n). Link will find help and they'll sort it out." She reassured you. Landing on your shoulder. You nodded still clutching your leg as you waited for Link to come back.


Thought you could get in that easy? Oh well, now you have a broken leg! Muahahahahaha!!!! Why am I so weird? Lol! See ya in da next chaptaaaaaa!!

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