Chapter 1 (Saved)

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Hey guys! I know I'm in the middle of writing my other story but I am just obsessed with this game, and Link. Don't judge me. Anyways hope you enjoy it!


You were walking through the forest bored outta your mind. You had just finished school and didn't really feel like walking around Hyrule town. So you came here instead, to be honest, you preferred it here. Nice and peaceful, relaxing and- Your thoughts were cut off by a rock hitting you. "Ow!" You yelped before realizing it was an Octorok. You didn't have a sword yet, nor a shield. Usually you don't come up against monsters in the forest, you turned to run but you were met with another Octorok, and another to your Left, and another to your Right. You were surrounded, trying to dodge the rocks the best you could. "Ow! Hey quit it! Ouch! Hey!" You yelled. Suddenly a sword went flying past your face and hitting the Octorok to your Left, then someone dressed in green sprinted past and took out all three in a... Spin attack? You thought it was called. He turned to face you a worried look on his face. "Are you okay?" He said, "Y-Yeah. Just bruised a little." You said trying to walk forward, but you yelped as you put weight on your Left foot. "Ow!" You said as you fell. The person, or- kokiri caught you quickly. "Here, let me help you ya silly-billy." He joked, you rolled your eyes a little at his statement, but then nodded. He helped you back to Hyrule town where you went back into your house.

Once you were in the boy took you to the couch where you sat down. Your mum walked in and gasped when she walked in. "Who are you?!? What are you doing in my house?!?" She yelled pointing at the boy. "Mum! It's okay! He saved me!" You yelled not wanting the boy to get in trouble. She blinked surprised, but her gaze changed quickly to concern. "Saved you? From what?" She asked, you opened your mouth to say what happened but the boy spoke up. "She got surrounded by Octoroks, sorry for startling you ma'am, I should leave now." Said the boy turning to leave, your mum stopped him. "No! I was just surprised is all, I mean, it's not every day I walk into the Living room and find some boy helping my daughter. You can stay for a while if you like. What's your name?" You mum explained and asked. He turned back toward your mum and you. "My name's Link, your daughter should get her foot checked. She collapsed when she tried to walk on it earlier." Link explained. All the while you just stared and listened to the conversation.

"Well I'm (Mum's name)." Your mum said happily, gesturing for Link to sit next to you. He walked over and sat down on the couch. You just stayed quiet. "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" Asked you mum looking at you with an annoyed look. "Oh, sorry, I'm (Y/n), and thanks for saving me back there." You said quietly. Link smiled at you, "It's the least I could do, I couldn't just leave you there." He said, laughing a little. You just smiled. "Well I'm going to go get dinner ready, Link would you like to stay?" Your mum offered. "Um... If it's not too much trouble, I'm pretty far from my house and it's already late." Link said. "Oh it's no trouble at all! You two just stay in here and chat for a bit." Said your mum, and with that she walked out into the kitchen. Link got down in front of you and started putting a bandage on your foot.

"So uhh... What were you doing in the woods?" You asked awkwardly. Link looked at you, "I was just taking a walk, clearing my head a little. You?" You blinked at him. "Exactly the same actually." You said, Link looked a little surprised. "Huh, so how old are you?" He asked. "I'm (Y/a). How bout you?" You asked. "Me too!" He said, smiling. "Hey how come you get a sword?" You whined. "I dunno, I just thought you'd been stupid and left yours here!" He said jokingly. You rolled your eyes. "Really? Why would I do that?!? And besides it's not every day I come up against a monster in these woods!" You yell a little. "Okay, okay calm down gurl." He said laughing, as he finished up bandaging your foot, "There you should be able to walk on that now." He explained. You crossed your arms. "Can I at least have a go at your sword?" You ask. "Nu uh." He said, "Please?" You ask, it carried on like this for a while. "Please?" "No" "Please?" "No" "Pretty please?" "No" Pleeeeeeeaaaaaseeeeeeeee?" "Gah! Will you shut it if I let you?!" He asked laughing, you nodded grinning. He rolled his eyes. "C'mon. We can't do it in here." He said walking outside. "MUUM I'm gonna go have a go at Link sword!!!" You yelled before running out the door.

Once you were outside you didn't see Link anywhere. "Link?" You called cautiously. You heard a rustle coming from your right and you saw a sword come down. You quickly jumped out of the way, kicked the handle of the sword up and out of the thing's hand and caught it, pointing it at the figure. "Woah woah! Chill, it's just me!" Link whisper-yelled. You sighed "Don't scare me like that." You whispered annoyed at him. He chuckled. "You're pretty good at dodging and disarming already! You sure you haven't had training?" He asked. You shook your head. "Nope, but I've seen others do that so I basically just copied them." You said smirking. "Okay then, right. Try and hit me." "What?" "Try and hit me." You just stared at him. "What if I do hit you? I don't wanna hurt you." You said, he shook his head. "C'mon I'll be fine! Give it all ya got!" He challenged, getting a wooden sword out, he dropped his shield so it would be fair. You swung and he jumped out of the way, you slashed downwards he rolled, you simply could not hit him, you both started having a duel, both of you laughing. You and him carried on for a while, you hadn't realized your mother watching and smiling in the doorway. After a little while she shouted out to the both of you. "(Y/n)! Link! Dinner, c'mon!" She said smiling. You both stopped breathing heavily, swords crossed and your faces inches from each other's, you drew your swords before walking inside.


Sooo, ya like? If so VOTE! :D See ya in the next chapter!

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