Chapter 23

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The last chapter guys! :3

"Ohmygosh(y/n)wakeupyourgettingmarried!" (F/n) said all at once. You sat up groggily. "Ugh... What time is it?" You asked. You were practically exactly like Link. You hate mornings. "It's... Um... 7:30..." (f/n) muttered. You groaned. "Too early." You said, your voice muffled into your pillow. (F/n) rolled her eyes. "GET. UP." She shouted, scaring the living daylights out of you. You sat up. "Fine! I'm up! I'm up!"

~time skip~

You had your  dress on and (F/n) was doing the final touches to your make up. Your dress was white and strapless. It had a train and a white glittery veil. "(Y/n) you look gorgeous!" You heard your mother exclaim. (F/n) brought her hands away so you could turn around and hug her. She started crying. "No no no, Mum don't cry! Because I will cry!" You said smiling. She sniffed a little. "Sorry.. It's just... My little girl is all grown up..." She said smiling. You laughed a little. "I'm still your little girl." You said smiling. (F/n) smiled whileshe worked on the last bit of your winged eyeliner. "And... Done!" She said happily, and started putting the make up away. "I'm going to go sit down... Okay (Y/n)?" You Mum asked. You nodded and hugged her one last time. Dark knocked a little on the door. "You good to go?" He asked. He was walking you down the aisle, because your father had died when you were little. He was also Link's best man. You nodded. "Yeah..." You said smiling. Dark nodded simply as you walked over to the doors. You took a deep breath as they opened first (F/n) walked out as your maid of honour. Then Zelda as your bridesmaid along with a few of your friends. And then you.

You walked down as the wedding march played, everyone standing and staring at you. You smiled when your eyes landed on Link at the end of the aisle. He was looking ahead, but you could tell he was nervous. He fiddled around every now and then. Once you came to the end of the aisle. Link threw the veil over your head and stared. "You look.. Amazing..." He whispered, smiling. You nodded a thanks, not being able to get over how adorable he looked in a suit with a single white rose in the pocket and his hair combed down and to the one side.

The vicar began talking and eventually got to. "Link, do promise, to take care of this woman, in sickness and in health, whether rich or poor, for as long as you both shall live?" Link looked at you smiling. "I do." "(Y/n), do you promise, to take care of this man, in sickness and in health, whether rich or poor, for as long as you both shall live?" You smiled back at Link "I do." "I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Link dipped you before kissing you gently. You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back. Everyone stood up, clapping and cheering.

(M/n) had tears in her eyes. So did (F/n), and even Dark. The one thought went through your mind.

I've found my happily ever after... In my Legend of Love.

The End

Thank you guys for supporting this story so much. And I am so sorry that there were such big gaps between updates. I know that sucks. :/ But, thank you for reading my story, and I hope you check out more of them! :D bai bai!

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