Chapter 9

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ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! I'LL UPDATE! Jeez!!!! I haven't been able to in a while that's all!!! Sorry! XD Happy now                          ?!?!?! On with the chapter!


You waited for a while and eventually Link came riding back with a doctor on Epona's back. Link brought her to a halt and he jumped off as did the doctor, Link ran over to you. "Are you alright?" "Yes" "Was there any monsters?" "No" "Did anyone see you?" "No" "Did anything hurt you?" "LINK!!" You shouted getting annoyed at the questions. "Er... Sorry." He apologized. "I'll only be a few minutes Link." The doctor said. Navi flew up to Link's shoulder. "You can be waaay too overprotective sometimes Link." Said Navi laughing. Link laughed too, Epona grunted in annoyance for not having any attention, Link turned to her. "Oh! Sorry girl, here. You did good." Said Link handing her an apple and stroking her soft mane. She nodded her head a bit and then walked over to you and nuzzled your shoulder. "Haha! I'm fine Epona, don't worry!" You said laughing, Link smiled a little.

After a few minutes the doctor stood up. "There, she hasn't broken it (A/N: I lied :X XD), she's just sprained it, she'll be able to walk on it but not for long periods of time, I'll walk back to the village. Take care!" The doctor said walking off. "Thanks!" You and Link shouted back in unison. "Well! Let's get going!" You said standing, you winced a little, but ignored it. "Okay, but-" "Take it easy, tell you if it hurts to much and stay right next to you. Okay okay I get it." You said making Link blink in surprise. You laughed.

You both walked back to the trap door, the riddle playing over and over in each of your heads. "'Thou who feels heart, will feel more evil', Link! Let's try moving it together!" You shouted. He looked and you and immediately clicked, he facepalmed for being so stupid. He grabbebed the other and sure enough the trap door swung straight up. "Yes!" You whisper-yelled before climbing down Link following closely behind. Your little 'yes!' of triumph didn't go un noticed...


Okay, I'm sorry I had to leave it on a cliffhanger! XD LoL_Lys I'm sorry! ;-) Adios!

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