Chapter 10

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Hey guys! Soooo sosososososososoooo Sorry about the lack of updating!!! DX PLZ DON KILL MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! *Runs from all angry readers*



"She's just sprained it."

"Link! Let's try moving it together!!"

"Yes!!" You climbed down, but your little 'yes' of triumph didn't go un-noticed...

This chapter

You were surrounded. Very. Much. Surrounded.

By enemies.

And Ganondorf along with Zelda in a cage.

No"Wow... Stickin to the classic 'lock her in a cage and hide the key' gig are we? Suit yourself" Link mocked. Gandondorf growled. "Oh I haven't hidden the key. It's right here." Ganondorf smirked pulling the key out of his pocket. "But you can't have it Link." He added. Link frowned in determination. "We'll see about that!!" Link shouted charging straight for Ganondorf. You ran forward and fought the enemies. You got a cut on your arm, after they were finished you ran to help Link. He had Ganondorf pinned to a wall. "Go on then, kill me!" Ganondorf yelled. Link put him down. "Chains." He said to Navi, she nodded and put a spell on magical chains that were now around Ganondorf. "See? You soul is too pure to hurt a being. Weakling." Link froze, he breathed deeply. "Just let it go, and ignore him." He muttered before going to pick the key up that fell out of Ganondorf's pocket. But there was a shield around it, Link tried to push hard against the force of the barrier, but  it didn't work. "It won't work Link, your too weak, all alone, nobody to help you." The wizard teased. "Oh? I'm alone?" Link said. "Hey (Y/n)!" Link called, you put the sword in it's sheath and walked over. "No!" The wizard shouted. Link smirked. "So (Y/n), so far the riddle meant we work together right?" Link said his childish side coming over, you smirked. "Don't!!!" Ganondorf shouted again, both you and Link nodded before grabbing the key at the same time.

Sure enough, both your hands together went straight through the shield. "What have you done?!?" Ganondorf shouted, you and Link looked up to see him on the floor before vanishing in a cloud of thick smoke, Link quickly unlocked the cage and brought Zelda down. "Thank you Link, and- Who's this?" Zelda asked. Link smiled at you. "This is (Y/n), (y/n) this is Zelda." Link introduced you both, you bowed your head a little as did she. "Well suppose we best be getting home before you mum thinks I've just ran of with you never to return!" Link joked, you giggled. "Alright, alright." You said kissing his cheek. Link  looked down smiling a little, Zelda smirked, she may be a princess but she had a childish side to her. "Are you to a thing?" She asked, both you and Link froze, she laughed. "Awww, you two are so cuuute together!" You and Link glared at Zelda before you sighed. "It's just like my mum and your Dad all over again." You muttered before untiying Epona. Link heard and nodded. "Yep." He said annoyingly. "D'you mind leading her with me? The poor girl hasn't had a nice rest yet." Link said stroking Epona, you nodded and tickled behind her ear. "Yeah, she did us good." You said and started walking home.


Once again guys please do NOT kill me. I have been VERY backed up with school, Hockey and my Piano exams coming up. XD Sorry.

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