Chapter 4

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Heeyyyyyyyy guyyyyyyyyys!! I was randomly looking at the comments and noticed that someone *cough*                        *cough* wanted me to do the next chapter, so here you go, this should keep you going for a while. ;-)


You woke up the next morning to Navi fluttering around your face. "(Y/N)!!! (Y/N) GET UP!!! LINK!! YOU TOO!!" You both groaned. "What is it Navi?!?" You said annoyed, "SOMEONE NEEDS YOUR HELP!!" She screamed. "Who?!?" Asked Link. 'I would laugh if this is Zelda' he thought to himself. "ZELDA!! GANDONDORF!! CAPTURED!!" She shouted. Immediately you and Link sat up and jumped out of your beds, (Link hitting his head on the ceiling as he did so).  "Ow... Soo, when, where Navi?" Asked Link rubbing his head. "This morning, castle-gardens!!" She exclaimed, this is what confused you and Link, wasn't that place always crawling with guards? "But... What about the guards?" You asked. Link shrugged. "I don't know, but word is that she's been taken to his castle. And the king wishes to see you Link." Link put his sword in his sheath ready and shook his head gently. "Why am I not surprised?" He said to himself sighing. "Hey (Y/n), want to come with?" He asked looking at you, you nodded grabbing your sword.

You both ran downstairs. Link ran in to your mum. "Er... Sorry." He said awkwardly, you hadn't realised Link had stopped until you crashed into him. "Link!! Woah!!" You exclaimed as you fell taking him down with you. Your mum laughed. "I'm guessing you two heard what's happened to Zelda?" She said smiling. You both nodded rubbing your heads in unison.  "Well you better get going Link. You however... Are staying right here." Said your mum grabbing the back of your shirt. "Muuuum~ I wanna gooooo" You whined. your mum shook her head. "Nope, I need to talk to you missy!" You put your head down a little at 'missy' knowing it was serious. "Well I could stay here for a bit while you talk to her. I could really use someone to help me up against Ganondorf." Link persuaded. Your mum's eyes widened. "Nooooo no no no no. You are NOT going on a quest (Y/n), no.way." Said your mum sternly. "But I'll be with Link! It's fine!" You whined, "Yeah, you'll be with the one you kissed yesterday." Both you and Link stiffened and looked down blushing. "Who... Who told you th-that?" You muttered. Your mum smiled. "Oh, ya know. Just a little fairy." She said, immediately both your heads snapped to Navi. "What? Am I just going to keep that a secret? You know how I am Link." She said turning to Link, you both glared at Navi, before your mum spoke again. "See? You're not. going." She said. "But I want to. Why can't I? It was just a kiss." You said, muttering the last part. Link had gone completely silent, but bright red. "So you do admit it?" Asked your mum, then you realized, Navi wasn't exactly the one you could trust with telling the truth, you looked down and nodded before saying timidly. "Pweeeease? I wanna go with Link." You said putting on the cutest puppy dog eyes you could. She sighed letting you go. "Alright, but, you stay with Link at all times, keep your sword on you at all times, listen to Link at ALL times. Got it?" She said sternly, you nodded before running over to Link and walked out the door.

Once you were outside all hell broke loose, there was FIVE octoroks in the pathway, you and Link rolled your eyes before charging at them, swords ready, one look and you knew that Link would take three and you would take two. One spin attack each and they were gone, you carried on walking, passing underneath the bell and up through the market more octoroks. You got past them, more octoroks. There was hundreds just scattered across the land! Eventually you made it inside castle grounds where the guards had taken care of the octoroks. They turned to you both, pointing their spears. "Halt! Who goes there?" The one asked, you shrank down behind Link a little, he stood straight and answered. "Link, and (Y/n), we have been called here at king's command." The guards looked at each other then drew their weapons, the head of the guards realized something. "Look! Triforce!" He said pointing to yours and Link's hands, you both looked at your hands suprised, "This way." Said the guard hastily walking toward the door. You and Link walked in.

"Hello young Link, I see you have brought a friend?" Asked the king bowing, you and Link bowed back. "Yes, your majesty this is (Y/n), and we have heard of your daughter... again...." Said Link rolling his eyes a little. The king nodded. "I understand, it is bugging you doing this on a regular basis. So Navi told you two love-birds to come over here?" Both your eyes widened, Navi peeked out from under Link's hat and mumbled, "Sorry, you know how I am with secrets..." She said quietly. You both looked at her angrily. "Oh it's alright Navi, we all tell secrets sometimes. Anyways, (Y/n), you're new to this, am I correct?" Said the king turning to you, you nodded, "Do you know any tricks?" He asked, you looked over at Link, "He taught me how to use a sword, and also, may I ask, how do you know Link?" The king laughed. "You have heard of the "mythical" legends of The Hero of Time right?" You nodded, he leaned in a little. "Well you kissed that very same hero yesterday." He said looking at Link. It all snapped back to you from when you were a child. Link, Hero Of Time, green, Navi, Ganondorf, the Master Sword. It all came back and your eyes widened. Link looked over at you smiling, "Yep, Hero Of Time. I should have mentioned that earlier on..." He said rubbing the back of his neck, he then threw an arm around you and looked at the king. "Well where do we start? I know exactly where his castle is." Link explained, "Yes but this time you must solve a riddle." Said the king, you and Link looked up. "Thou who feels heart, will feel more evil, thou who feels nothing, will take power over so, travel to the land that you once knew, filled with evil and a heart of stone and cold as snow." He chanted the words, flurring through the air and filling the room to the brim with one mighty voice. Link tilted his head to the side at this riddle, "Okay. So we need to solve that to get in the castle?" Link asked. "Yes. Now go!!"

You both left the castle on a quest to save the princess of the Wisdom triforce, and a quest, to grow you love.


There!! You have no idea how hard it was to make up that riddle. You guys can probably guess it already but still. So I hope you liked it LoL_Lys (It took me three attempts to write that then XD) and I guess I'll update the new chapter as soon as I can! ;D ADIOS!!

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