Chapter 15

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Hey guys!!! Merry Christmas, I don't do holiday specials so hope ya enjoy the chapter!! ;)
Dark knocked on your door gently. "(Y-Y/n)? Can I come in?" He asked, you sat against the door, debating whether to let him in or not, you took a deep breath before standing up and opening the door. Backing right up until you were in the back of the room though. Dark's eyes were soft, he sighed. "I don't blame you (Y/n), not at all, I shouldn't have done a what  I've done... And... I'm sorry." He stammered, you looked at him to see a face of pure truth. No lie shone in his eyes. You tilted your head a little, your eyes softening a little. "Why do you hate Link so much?" You asked. Dark's breathing hitched. "That's what I came here for... to... t-tell you."

"Well, when me and Link were little, we lived with our Mum, Dad, me, Link, Vio, Red, Shadow and blue. We all got along, and me and Link were the ones who always got applauded and we got along just fine. But then one day a girl moved into town, she was beautiful and both me and Link wanted her. We were young and stupid, we started arguing and I got so angry that I brought my sword out, so did he. We fought, and as we did we..." He stopped, you looked at him, he had tears streaming down his face, something had clicked in you. You walked over and hugged him, he seemed really taken aback by this. "What happened?" You asked a little hesitant. He took a deep breath "Our Mum tried to stop us from fighting and w-we both struck her a-at the same time... we've... blamed each other... e-ever since..." He finished, choking on sobs. You blinked back a few tears at the story and hugged him tighter. He hugged you back. "I'm sorry Dark."

Your POV

What am I doing?!? He hates me, I hate him. Okay? Okay. But... It wasn't his fault. Yes it was. NO it wasn't. YES IT WAS! Ugh, jeez. It was both their fault. Or the girl's. I wonder what her name was... My thoughts are trailing off now... "A-are you okay? I'm sorry I brought it up." He shook his head, smiling gently at me. "No, it's okay. You deserve to know."

Link POV

We've been traveling two days now. And finally I'm here. I took a deep breath "Hang on (Y/n). I'm coming." I said to myself and tied Epona up before heading inside.

Jeez this place is big... I thought. That's when I heard a voice behind me. "Oh hey Link! Been a while!" I spun around, hand on sheath until I realised it was Vio and Red. "Vio! Red! Jeez you scared me. I have no idea how to get round this place. You help the both of us so I m guessing you know your way around?" I asked, Vio and Red nodded, Red spoke up. "Yeah, come on I'll take you over to her. But would you mind letting us go in first for a bit?" He asked a little hesitant, I tilted my head a little, why? I wanted to ask but nodded anyway. "No funny buisness with (Y/n) though." I said. He nodded. "I won't go mear your girl okay okay." He said smirking and putting his hands up in mock defence. I rolled my eyes at him. Before muttering 'whatever' and smiling a little, Goddess I missed my bros.
Done, yay, I wrote this on Christmas day (that rhymes XD), but forgot to publish it :/ sorry

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