Chapter 14:
Rosy was standing in the doorwway of the limo, Tulip was wagging her tail beside her. The driver hurried out of the limo and explained Tulip had jumped in front of the car, well he got halfway before he noticed Jackson and I were stll on top of each other. I blushed and jumped up, "Sorry, um, we kinda got pushed together in the, um, sudden stop," I said while walking up to the house witht the driver. Rosy and Jackson were still in the same spot, but Jackson jumped out and started to follow me. "Who are you?" Rose asked sweetly. "Um, Jackson. Nice to meet you," he said trying to sidestep Rosy. "I'm Rosy," she smiled. "Okay well how about we catch up to your sister," He suggested. Rosy smiled and started skipping after me. "Ella, wait up!" She screamed, but it was cut short, because she started giggling at Jackson, as he gaped at our house. "This is where you live?" He asked me disbelief and awe in his tone, as he caught up with me. "Uh, yea?" I questioned. This was the first of my friends to come to the house, I wasn't sure how he was going to react. "Wow," he said, almost to himself. Rosy was pulling on his shirt sleeve. "Can you carry me?" She asked with her puppy dog face. "Ummm," he said his eyes pleading with me. "Come here, Rose!" I exclaimed while I attempted to catch her. She ran into the house and I stopped by the door, waiting for Jackson. "Coming?" I asked breathlessly.
We walked into the house and Rosy jumped up from her place on the couch and squealed. She sprinted over toward Cassi. My mom gave her a questioning look then turned toward us. "Hey, Rosy why don't you go get Tulip from the front and take her in the back, don't forget to lock the gate." Cassi winked at us. "Sure, mommy," she smiled at Jackson and gave me a quick hug, before bounding off to find Tulip. "Hello, Mrs. Gipply. Nice to see you again," Jackson greeted my mom giving her a polite smile. I started laughing and Cassi flinched. "Cassi is fine, the whole Mrs. tittle makes me feel old." Jackson smiled more geniunely and looked around inside. I think his jaw would've been on the floor if he hadn't expected the elegant room. His eyes widened and he did a 360. "I will go make some snacks. How about you show him around Abella," she announced, as she walked away, towards the kitchen. "Um, this is our living room," I said walking around the staircase," inside is the bathroom." I motioned to the door beside the stairs. "This is the kitchen," I continued walking into the swinging doors and motioned into the room. Cassi smiled brightly and said," perfect timing the snacks are ready," she said handing me the plate of cookies. "You can take them on the tour." My mom had famous chocolate chip cookies. Melt in your mouth, people would call them. She made them so often that our house smelled like cookies, giving it the homey feel.
"Out this way is the backyard," I said, continuing my tour. I had already showed Jackson the upstairs, to which he met Emma. I also showed him all the rooms up there, including the game room, his mouth almost dropped to the ground again. "You can expect me here every day for lunch," Jackson said suddenly. I gave him a questioning look," Why?" "Because you house is the frickin bomb!" He exclaimed as he saw the pool. Rosy was also there, which explained where she had been the whole time, when she came out of the pool with Tulip soaking wet. "Rose!" I shouted," you know your not supposed to go into the pool without someone watching you!" Rosy looked like she had been caught doing something extremely bad. "I'm sowwry," she pouted, giving me her little girl accent and puppy dog eyes. I sighed, "Okay, but never do it again," I stated firmly. She saluted me and ran off, a soaking wet Tulip following her. "Don't go into the house all wet!" I yelled after her. I rolled my eyes and turned toward Jackson who had a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes again and continued the tour. "This is the pool, and over there is the tennis court-" I stalled, seeing his eyes buldge out of his sockets, I giggling. "You play?" I asked. Jackson looked sheepish," no, I suck actually." He answered grinning. "Okay, how about next time you come over we go swimming?" I questioned. "Sure I can swim fine." He stated playfully smiling at me. His eyes sparkled and my cheeks flamed red. Jackson turned toward me, "What's wrong?" He asked concerned, walking toward me. He swept his hand across my flaming cheek making it spark red with tingles. I looked up and regretted it instantaneously. Jackson's face was very close to mine, his eyes were sparkling again and he started to lean in. I closed my eyes and waited for his lips to touch mine, until we heard giggling and broke apart startled.
Sorry it's been awhile:)