Chapter 10:
On our way to school in the limo with Jimmy, I curled up next to Emma. She stroked my hair the whole way there. This was one of the few times that we got along well. "Shhh, it's going to be okay. It's not that bad. It's okay," She soothed me. "Thanks Em, I'm just really scared, first time and all," I murmered into her leg. "That's what she said!" She exclamed laughing hardly. Soon I was laughing with her too. We were almost there and I was the first stop. I knew I was way pretty, I wasn't the kind of girl to say I was fat, when I knew I wasn't. Plus the limo was bound to attract some attention. I was scared, but excited to see Jackson. I had heard that all the teachers were pretty nice. I just wasn't ready to see so many people, teachers, etc. "Bell, we're here," Emma called to me, waving her hand in front of my face. "Oh, sorry I was just thinking," I said sitting up straight. "You'll do great, have fun. Can't wait to see Jackson. Be yourself, love you," she said kissing me on the forhead. "You look great," she said as an after thought. "Thanks Em, I love you," "Love you too!"
I stepped out of the car to find everyone staring at me. I waved bye to Jimmy and started walking up the pathway. I smiled slightly to myself, I had always liked attention, maybe this wouldn't be so bad. I could hear everyone whispering, "Wow, she's dang hot," or "She's going to fit in with the cheerleaders nicely." I was smiling pretty widely now, but stopped when I heard him. "Yo, Abella!" I stopped and turned around. "Hey Jackson, long time, no see." I winked. "You look amazing, you should hear what all these people are saying. You're going to fit in great girl," He said waggling his eyebrows at me. "Haha, funny. Now show me to my classes, please." I ordered him, feeling slightly awkward around all the starng guys, and glaring girls. "Right this way, princess." He replied leading me inside. We were almost there, but then someone called for Jackson. "Jackson, dude, wait up!" I turned around and saw the second hottest guy, besides Jackson. What was up with all these hot guys? "Hey Josh, what up?" "What up man?" He said staring wide eyed at me. "This girl is what up! Hey babe, I'm Josh, nice to meet you." He said holding out his hand. "Abella, nice to meet you too." I said smiling my million dollar smile. Who could resist? "Dude, shes hot!" He said quietly to Jackson. My smile turned bigger and Jackson looked like he was trying really hard not to smile. "I know man, I'm going over to her house, luck me huh?" He said just as quietly back to Josh. "Umm guys," I said smiling my face off," I do have ears." I winked at Josh. "I like you Abella!" Josh shouted as we were walking down the hall. "Haha thanks, Josh. You're not so bad yourself." He smiled widely. "You are so invited to sit with me and Jackson at lunch!" He exclamed happily.
It turned out I had most of my classes with either Jackson or Josh, and I totally didn't mind. Some girls came up to me to comment on m clothes or hair, but no one I liked really well. I was looking forward to lunch next hour. I was sitting in the middle of Josh and Jackson in my favorite class so far. Mostly because this class was my easiest subject and had the nicest teacher so far; English. I have been introducing myself in front of every class so far, this one still not being an execption. I really hadn't minded so I just told them the basics about myself and sat back down. "Hey Abella," Josh whispered from my right. I turned and saw he had a note. I smiled sweetly and took it. It read: "So any guys so far that have caught your eye?" I smiled to myself and wrote back: "Nope none so far:)" I handed it back to him and caught Jackson's eye. He didn't look to happy. "Hey Jackson, what's wrong?" I whispered as quietly as possible. "Nothing, thanks though Bell. Can't wait to introduce you to my friends though they can be a bit much sometimes." He whispered back. "I do have two sisters, I can take it." I smiled inoccently. He laughed, maybe a bit to loud, getting some people's attention. "Anyway," the teacher continued," I'll see you all tomorrow. Have a good rest of the day Abella," she called as I walked out of the room. "You too!" I called back to her. She smiled. Wow this is easy. So I headed to lunch, or so I thought. Jackson grabbed my hand and led me the other way. "You're going the wrong way Bell." He smiled at me. Whoops, guess I don't know the school as well as I thought. "Sorry." I replied sheepishly. He might have held my hand a little to long, but I didn't care. I liked this school. A lot.