The Aftermath

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Jay opened his eyes. They were red and puffy, as they had been for days. It had been a few days since Cole died and it was all Jay's fault. Sure, Jay and Cole had fought in the past, but they were friends! Jay couldn't believe what he had done. Apparently, neither could Nya.
She had spent most of the time since Cole's death locked in her room. Nya said she was still healing from her injury, but everyone knew that was a lie. After her breakdown in Skylor's arms, she hadn't let anyone see her cry, but her swollen, bloodshot eyes and blotchy face were signs enough she was dealing about as well as Jay.
As for Jay, Nya wouldn't talk to him. Really, she wouldn't talk to anyone, but Jay especially. So she just sat on her bed and stared at the wall, reliving Cole's death over and over, how he was about to say something but never finished his sentence. And then, what happened after.
"We must travel to the cursed realm." Skylor had said grimly. At that moment, Nya hadn't cared. All she could think about was how Jay killed Cole. Storming down the hall, tears still in her eyes, she had slammed her hands on Jay's door and screamed, "Come face me, coward. Come face what you've done!" Jay had opened the door, a shocked look on his face. "Nya, what- happened?" He asked, concerned. "You know what happened!" She said, in a rage. Shaking his shoulders, she told him,"You killed Cole!" Tears brimming in his own eyes, Jay had blurted, "Nya, what's going on? C-Cole died?" He eyed the dark stains on her clothes that looked like blood. Nya didn't see the look of confusion and remorse on his face. "Yes. And I'm never forgiving you."
That was the last Nya remembered before blacking out. She woke up in the infirmary again, the same crowd around her bed, except it was missing Cole.
And Jay.
Nya hated herself for what she'd done to Jay. But she hated herself more for what she'd done later.
"How do we get Cole back?" Nya had asked Skylor after waking up from her attack on Jay. She had changed out of the clothes stained with her and Cole's blood but there were still dried tears on her face. "Yeah, Skylor, you said we had to go to the cursed realm. Wasn't it destroyed?" Kai said. "The preeminent was destroyed, Kai. She was the embodiment of the cursed realm but not the whole thing. It is a parallel realm to our own, you know. And it's where Cole would be." Skylor explained. "But isn't the only way to get to the cursed realm is to use the realm crystal? I thought I destroyed it." Lloyd pointed out. "There is another way." Skylor said. "In Clouse's spell book there was a chant that could take one to the cursed realm. My father sang it to me as a lullaby." Everyone stared at her. "Don't ask. Anyway, it didn't take us to the cursed realm because the spell requires one more ingredient. Green power." At this, Lloyd froze. "G-Green power? I have to go to the cursed realm?" It was one of Lloyd's great fears. He turned pale and started shaking.
Nya, who had not spoken since initiating the conversation, looked straight at Lloyd. "Yes. You have to." She said, fighting the desperation in her voice. She had to get to the cursed realm. "But Nya-" "Lloyd, this is not up for discussion. Cole is your brother. Sensei would say the same if he weren't off on a trip." "Nya, I don't know if I can-"
Lloyd looked as if Nya had slapped him in the face. He stepped back as tears welled up in his green eyes. Kai stepped in front of Lloyd protectively. "Sis, you can't just say that to him." Kai said angrily. "Take it back." But Nya had just stared into Lloyd's eyes as if telling him, "or else."
Remembering it, Nya covered her facd in shame. How could she have been so cruel to Lloyd? She had a soft spot for him, always sneaking him candy and ruffling his hair. She still treated him as a kid and he liked that. Now she had lost his trust forever.
And she was never going to save Cole.
Moaning, she laid back in her bed and put one of her pillows over her head.
There was a soft knock on her door.
"Go away" Nya mumbled but Skylor didn't listen. Slowly she opened the door and walked over to Nya's bed. "Nya, I have good news." Skylor said.
"What?" Nya grumbled. Nothing was good news to her anymore.
"Lloyd has agreed to help save Cole."
Nya sat bolt upright and then groaned, clutching her stab wound. "He has? How?"
"Kai somehow convinced him. Those two are really close."
Nya said a silent thank you to Kai. "When do we leave?" She asked.
"Now." Skylor replied.

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