Journey to the Cursed Realm

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I am going to try some first person. Please like and comment which you like more! 😋
Nya's P.O.V.
It's not his fault
It's not his fault
It's not his fault
That's the message I keep playing through my head as I walk towards Jay's door. We need as many reinforcements as we can to help in the Cursed Realm, including him. The problem is, I haven't talked to Jay since I screamed at him a week ago. I'm not sure I want to. I know he didn't mean to kill Cole. I know. Breathe, Nya, breathe.
     I lightly tap on Jay's door, inwardly hoping he's not there.
"Who is it?" I hear a quavery voice float from inside.
Just my luck.
"Um," I say quietly, "it's Nya."
There is an awkward silence.
"What is it?" Jay says. His voice squeaks on "it".
"We- we found a way to get Cole back." I tell him, almost reluctantly. "And we need you."
"How do I know you won't just scream at me again when I do something by accident?" Jay blurts. I can hear sniffles.
"Well, we NEED you. The spell requires all the ninja elemental powers. Skylor can do Cole's but she is not able to use two at once."
"No. I can't." I almost scream of frustration before realizing that isn't  really the way to convince Jay to do something. Instead, I quickly open the door, stride inside his room, and sit on the bed next to him. Jay's eyes are buried in the crying pillow and he looks up when I sit down.
"Are you gonna freak out at me again?" He asks. I can tell it had scared him. "No." I tell Jay. "I'm gonna apologize. Jay, I'm sorry I screamed at you. I was really upset and I took it out on you. I shouldn't have been so harsh. I should have listened. Please forgive me." I reach out my hand and he takes it. Then I hug him and he hugs me back.
"Let's go save ghostie." Jay says.
All of us stand  in a semicircle around the place Cole died, in the infirmary. Lloyd is at the center, Kai at his right and me at his left. Jay is next to me and Skylor is next to Kai. Zane and Pixal complete the edges of our circle.
"This is how it will work," Skylor reminds us. "I will say the chant. At the certain time, Nya will have to cry. This is important. We need the tears of a maiden." "Why can't you do it, Skylor?" I ask, a bit annoyed about the spell's sexism. "I'll be doing the chant, silly." Skylor replies and continues. "then, when I say the last word, Lloyd will shoot green energy at the place Cole died. After, everyone else will do the same with their own powers. This is important that we do it at exactly the same time. Zane will signal us when it's time. Is everyone ready?" "Yes!" Kai, Zane, Pixal and I nod. Jay shrugs and Lloyd shivers but takes a  breath as Kai pats him on the arm. Then we all get into position. Skylor begins. She closes her eyes as purplish orangish energy floats around her. "We wish to travel to where no one has wished to travel. We wish to venture into which no one has gone before. We wish to save what should never be saved to you we offer these gifts and more. The tears of a maiden (I drop a single tear in the center), the blood of a friend (Kai had pricked his finger over the spot), (the weapon that felled him (the crying pillow), a bond to the end (Cole's ninja gi). Now, power supply us with strength to go on, as we travel to cursed land we shan't walk upon!" With that, Lloyd shoots a beam of green energy at the center spot. All the other ninja follow as Zane gives us the signal and then tightly grab hands. We are surrounded by a strange black light and then suddenly, nothing at all except darkness. Then we're falling.

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