The End?

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That was the end of my book.
*sobs* I know all of you are probably heartbroken that this amazing work of literature has come to a close.
But don't worry!
There's more coming!
Yep, "The Black-Hearted Ninja" is only book 1 of a four-book series called "The Dark Triangle Series"!
The second book isn't out yet, though.
Okay, I'll stop writing your commentary.
Anyway, the first chapter of the sequel to TBHN will be published on...
December 27th.
(Two days after Christmas, if you didn't make the connection.)
That is because I have Ninjago Texts and Nya's Thoughts to write!
Also, I have exciting news. I'm making another Ninjago book about the holiday season! And they sing! (It's kind of like Glee with Ninjago characters during December.) There will definitely be some love drama and Christmas/other winter holiday (I like to respect all beliefs) fluff that you're all just dying to read. Even better, I will take requests for songs and ships! (I like to advertise my other books. It's a bad habit of mine.) So check that out when I start it, and make sure to comment any requests because I might grant them'
But just because I'm writing my other books doesn't mean I'm abandoning this series until the 27th.
I'm doing a couple things. First, one-shots that fill in some more backstory on how I imagine the relationships between characters. (For example, in the Ninjago show, Nya and Cole never interact. There's some backstory there.)
Then, I will be answering some questions that my readers might have about things in TBHN. I may even give you some hints for future books! 😉
And, of course, I will be releasing a kind of "teaser" for the new book. Stay tuned for that!
I love writing this series, and I hope you all love reading it. I want to keep all of my readers from TBHN for the sequel, so I hope you are as eager for it as I am!
I love hearing your feedback, questions, and commentary on this book or any other of my stories. So make sure to comment and tell me what you think! I am taking questions for anybody who is confused or curious about something in TBHN, so you can comment your questions here.

All of my backstory one-shots, series info, and Q&A will be in my new book, "The Dark Triangle Extras".  Check it out!

Before I go, I would like to thank all of my readers, whether they've been with me from the beginning or just started reading my books very recently. Every vote or nice comment I get is like a hug from a friend. I am extremely grateful to all of you, as well as to my luck for becoming WAY more popular on Wattpad than I had ever expected. I have nearly 40 followers, and this book has reached almost 3000 views. That is amazing!

I have reached a level of finesse and confidence in my writing that I never would have had it not been for the support I've received.

Thank you.

Looking forward to writing the sequel,


The Black-Hearted Ninja (The Dark Triangle #1)Where stories live. Discover now