The Truth

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A/N Sorry I haven't updated in like a week! Life has been hectic, along with writer's block and a play that just closed tonight! Happy Halloween! Enjoy this (hopefully) scary update! ;)

Cole's (Third Person)  P.O.V.

Cole loved it.

The warmth of blood trickling down his arm. The sound of screams from his victims. The thrill of murder.

The feeling of life as it left his victims.

Cole loved it all.

How could something so so good? Cole didn't know. But he'd tasted blood and he was never going back. There was only one thing keeping him from complete happiness.

Her name was Nya.

       He knew she still loved him, of course. He saw it every time she tried to hurt him, her inability to fully commit, to let go of her compassion and just kill him. It was so predictable it was almost frustrating. Cole had abandoned compassion so long ago it was a distant memory, nothing but a faint twinkling like a dying star. Nya's weakness was how much she cared.

Cole, the Cole Before, hadn't cared about things either. There was no point, he reasoned, unless it was vitally important. The one thing he couldn't help but hang on to was her.

Now Nya's caring was going to be her downfall.

      Killing Jay affected her even more than Cole had expected, actually. He knew Jay was close to Nya, and maybe they had dated, they were best friends, and maybe Jay would have done anything for her, but Cole hadn't known just how desperate she would be to save him. Underestimating Nya is never something you want to do, Cole reminded himself. Whether it be her fighting ability or the extent of her attachment. Attachment, not love. What Nya had for Jay was not love. They would never truly love each other because they were not perfect.

     Cole and Nya were perfect together. Perfect fit, perfect match. Everything exactly as it was supposed to be. Other people were just unpredictable variables, risks, things that could taint the immaculate bond between the two. Cole knew this. It was practically what kept him alive, what he lived and breathed, the certainty of it.

Nya wouldn't see the truth. She was stubborn. But if Nya gave in too easily then Cole wouldn't find it nearly as interesting. He got bored easily.

     This, this was not boring. Nya had screamed and cried and gone ballistic before, which Cole never tired of watching. This time was the best of all. The tears, the screams, the frantic shaking of Jay's narrow shoulders as his head lolled back and forth on his neck, the careful avoidance of his empty finger, all came as Cole planned. Nya cradled Jay in her arms, like she was trying to make him comfortable. A one-sided hug, Jay slumped over but Nya held on.

    Yet when Nya looked up and stared straight at Cole, her face wasn't sad. Her narrowed eyes were hard and sharp. For a brief second Cole thought that if looks could kill he'd be murdered, buried, dug up and murdered again for good measure.

Cole was scared.

Nya was changed.

Nya didn't threaten, bargain, or say something like, "I'll never give up!" No, she just stared, until she said one word.


Cole didn't ask for the rest of the question because he only had one answer.


Nya's eyes didn't flicker once from his.

"What did I ever do to you? What did I do to deserve this? What did he," Nya held Jay tighter. Jay was completely limp in her arms. His mouth was still slightly open from his love confession. Kill me now, Cole internally groaned. "ever do to you?"

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