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No One's/Cole's? P.O.V

Cole was enjoying himself a little too much.

        Attacking people, seeing their faces filled with fear, carving the notes in the wall and then watching Jay cry and Nya try to act strong. He wasn't surprised she hadn't cracked yet. It probably wouldn't happen until someone died, which Cole was holding out for. Even as a demon, Cole loved the drama and theatricality of it all. The attacks, the cake, the notes, the dreams. It made his heart beat faster, his breathing come quicker. Cole was raised to be showy, and that was exactly what he was going to do.

        At first, he thought the injuries were only necessary. But Cole was starting to agree with that nagging voice at the back of his head: it was fun to hurt people. All his bottled up anger was finally being let out. No more self control. Just uncensored hate. Cole wondered why it hadn't always been like this? Why did he not realize how much power and potential he had? With the demon inside of him, he was unstoppable. He was stronger without those bumbling ninja holding him back. Cole was never a team player. Why had he dealt with his "friends" with so many years when he could've done this? It wasn't logical.

          Speaking of logic, it was time for a certain nindroid and his metal girlfriend to get what was coming to them. Although they didn't have flesh, that didn't mean Cole was going to be any less gruesome. The fact that they wouldn't die easily just strengthened the plan in Cole's mind. It was time for some real action-no holding back. He was relishing the idea.

      Cole didn't see the shadowy figure, small and weak, malnourished,  in the corner of his mind. The side of him that was never shown anymore. His good side. It was still there, barely. The only thing Good Cole could do was watch himself with horror as he hurt his friends. Watch them scream, plead, try to fight back, bleed, collapse, or anything else they might happen to do.

And cry about what he was planning.

Nya's P.O.V.

Zane and Pixal are next.

They don't know that as they lean over Skylor. Pixal scanning her vitals and Zane wrapping bandages around the wound in her neck. The medical droids. The calm ones. The voices of reason in our sea of chaos.

Are next.

    And I can't tell them. That would mean explaining my dream, making everyone even more scared. And admitting that, as much as I say it, everything will not be fine.

      Lloyd is supposed to be supporting Kai, but it seems to be the other way around. Kai is watching Skylor with a combination of concern and anger on his face. Lloyd has an expression of fear so profound it might as well be the definition. It's like, but much worse, the time when Cole let him watch-

    No, I can't think about the times when Cole was good. That will just make me cry again, which I promised myself I wouldn't do. "He's gone, Nya. He's gone and he's not coming back." I remind myself. Then I give what I hope is a comforting pat to Lloyd's blond head. "Everything will be fine." I say, knowing it's a lie. "We'll all be okay." Lloyd only nods and lays his head on Kai's shoulder. Kai mouths "are you sure?" I can only look at him. Maybe if I keep up the façade that we're ok it will actually happen. After all, isn't that the power of positive thinking?

No, that will never happen.

Never say never.


Focus. Focus. Focus.

I make a decision.

"Nobody go anywhere alone. Not even the bathroom. We stick together! And most importantly, if you see anything suspicious, don't just stand there! Act! If Cole attacks, fight back! We are ninja! And ninja never quit!" I say. Everyone stares at me. I throw one wavering fist in the air. No response.

"Nya, please no more inspirational speeches. We're already depressed enough as it is." Jay says. Everybody nods.

      "Okay. But I'm serious. Don't go anywhere alone. And if somebody calls for help, HELP THEM. We are a team. We have to start acting like one." I reply. It's about time somebody steps up. "Now, does everyone understand?" Kai and Skylor both nod, unable to talk. Lloyd says, "Yeah", Jay says, "Totally!"  while Zane, still focused on medical stuff, gives a gesture of assent and Pixal announces, "Affirmative!".


     It's now night again. Time for the hourly person check. I see that Lloyd, Kai, Skylor, and Jay are all safe and sound here in the living room.  But no Zane or Pixal. Where are they? "Jay, we're finding Pixal and Zane. Now." No dramatics, or hysteria. They could be fine for all we know. They could just be kissing. Because that's what robots do. Right.

     Anyway, I just want to make sure they're okay.  I should've made everyone be in at least groups of three. But it's too late now. Jay and I both get flashlights and step out of the brightly lit den into the dark, creepy hallway. "Is it just me, or is the dark, creepy hallway ALWAYS where bad stuff happens?" Jay says. "I mean, it's like a tradition! It's already happened to us at least one but I wouldn't be surprised if Boulder Brain uses the same location again. We're probably going to die! We're going to die looking for our friends and then everyone else will die and ZAP! No more ninja!  Just like that! Ninjago will have to fare for itself against 'the Mighty Cole' !" "Jay, will you please be quiet? I'm listening for any clues." I say. "Zane and Pixal could be hurt. Just shut up!" "Fine! I will shut up! I won't make any more sounds until we find them! I will be completely silent!" Jay says, just as I push open the door to the dining room. It's weirdly skewed to one angle.

"Shush. Someone else has been here." I say quietly. I can see something glinting on the floor. "Well, obviously they have Nya, otherwise the door wouldn't-" Jay and I both stop when I turn on the overhead light. We found Pixal and Zane. Well, pieces of them.

          Both have been dismembered. Limbs ripped off. There's Pixal's arm, Zane's leg. Both of their heads, eyes still alight. They're robots, so they're not dead. But if Cole had gotten a good tug at any of their main wires, they would be toast.

And then I realize the amputated body parts and loose machinery are in a pattern. Each one has a word scratched into it with Cole's signature flair. Together, they spell out:

Nindroids are fun to mutilate! Maybe you should be more logical about your choices, Nya. They tried to fight back, this is what happened. Everything you do ends with someone getting hurt.

Pixal's chest. Love

Zane's chest. Cole

My breaths. Faster.

My mouth. Dry.

My mind. Screaming:  

My fault.

And Cole laughing in the background.

The Black-Hearted Ninja (The Dark Triangle #1)Where stories live. Discover now