End it.

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Nya's P.O.V.

I shout to everything,

"Cole...Demon...whoever you are, I know you're watching us! You know we have the key to your destruction! And although it's going to end in your banishment, you can't stay away. In fact, I bet you're in this room right now!"

"Not a time for gambling." A familiar, raspy voice says from everywhere.

"Stop hiding!" I turn around and around, looking for the demon. Nowhere to be seen.

"Sometimes what you are looking for is right there in front of you for the whole time." The same voice says. I blink and there is Cole, or the thing that's taken over Cole, standing in front of me. Nothing has changed about him-it-ugh, I don't have time for this. It looks like Cole. I'll call it Cole.

I could jump into witty banter, maybe with some sort of comeback that would knock Cole's socks right off his demony feet, but I can't think of any. It's time to finish this bloodbath.

"Jay, are you ready?" I say, not turning my head, keeping my eyes locked into Cole's.

"As I'll ever be." Comes the reply. Trying to sound brave but failing miserably.

"Then let's go."

I hold out a hand and the spellbook is placed into it. I focus and when I open the book, it's on the exact page I needed. Running my finger down the ancient page, I read the words aloud.

"Hori kano."

A purple mist begins to swirl around my feet. Cole freezes.

"What did you do?" He says, struggling against the invisible force keeping him in place. No escaping for the demon now.

Through the haze around me, I hear Jay. He sounds almost smug. "Hold spell. Highly effective if you don't want something to get away."

Cole growls. I can see he's genuinely worried now but trying not to show it. Take that, I think and then place my fingers on the worn pages of the book. They flip until it finally settles on the page I need.

"Mera huni opa yenosai preci wen orro miu..." I say. The purple mist is swirling around the room now. My body stiffens and I can feel my power being slowly sucked out of me. Even as I continue the spell, there are droplets of water forming on my skin.

"Ptuka erano shasha quiv breani loso retei ina..." Cole is twisting, writhing with pain. A scream escapes him. He blinks and I see his eyes return to-normal? Just for a second they flicker from black holes to their normal deep brown color, the color of fresh soil or chocolate cake. There's a dark cloud hovering around him, seeming to be almost torn out of his body. It's trying to get back in, but slowly, it's being drawn out as I continue the spell.

It's working, it's working, it's working, it's working, it's working.

Cole is still in there! I can save him!


As the violet tornado swirls, I feel it harder to open my mouth. My energy is being drained out, and I'm getting weaker and weaker. "Oio hery utcet rahei nuro hahisa merna gruoi..." My head spins. But it's working. I have to keep going. No matter what. I somehow know what to say without reading out of the spellbook anymore. That means something good, right? Finish. Finish. Finish.

With a burst of adrenaline, I take in a deep gasp of air. The world sways but I must end this. "Taise yunna kio meraa iour ewarati ponno..." Now it's hurting me, as if the source of my power itself is being wrenched out. Keep going. It's working. Think of them all. Lloyd. Pixal. Zane. Mr. Brookstone. Skylor. Kai. And Jay. Especially Jay.

I'm trying desperately to keep going now. It will work. It has to work. The words are trailing off, and they sound like echoes, far away. I hear someone, Jay, I think, screaming my name. I'm falling to the ground and the purple is still around me, and I am pushing out the next word. Finish the spell. Don't be weak. End this. "Ezeel..."

"Nya, Nya," My vision is blurry but I can make out the outline of Jay. "Let me finish the spell!"

I try to argue but my voice seems to have stopped working. So does my body. Jay is leaning over me. He looks so worried that I wonder what on earth could be so wrong. I only fell. I have to finish it. I have to banish the demon.

"Nya, stop! You'll die!" Jay says from somewhere far, far away.

"Turai yelu beio nyma..." I whisper. I try with all my being to keep going, but I'm so-tired. And it feels like I'm floating. My eyelids are flickering. And still the purple mist is there, but it's a bit dimmer.

"Look at me! Please, look at me! Give me the spellbook!"

I realize it's been clutched tightly in my hands this whole time. I can't move my fingers. Jay's trying to pry them away but he can't. "Nya, let me do this for you!"

No. The same thing happening to me will not happen to Jay.

It's working.

End it. End it. End it.

I can't.

A burst of energy rips through me like-electricity?

I blink and see Jay, holding tightly to my arm, eyes closed. He's transferring some of his powers to me! I realize. The energy is wonderful, but it hurts. My skin is wet from my own power. Jay is electrocuting me.

Yet I'm still conscious.

The spell.

"Tei ma oppeiru nera..."

But no, I'm sucking Jay's power out too. This is my fight. I try to move my arm out of his tight grasp and it doesn't work. The shock of energy I got is fading fast.

Through the darkening mist, I catch a glimpse of Cole. He gives me a malignant grin and uses his head to gesture in Jay's direction, then raises one eyebrow and narrows his eyes. They are black again.

There is no dark cloud hovering around Cole anymore. Because the demon is back inside him.

No, no, no, the spell was working.

Not anymore.

I search for any last ounce of strength. My skin is completely soaked with tiny droplets of water now and the lightning also buzzes through my veins. It isn't enough. It isn't enough. End it now. Banish the demon. Put an end to this horror.


Everything goes black.

End of part two.

MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You readers haven't gotten rid of me yet! That's right, this isn't the end like some of you might have thought it would be. Will Nya be okay? What will happen to Jay? Can they find another way to defeat Cole or not?

New chapter tomorrow! Love, Your Evil Author Who Gave You False Hope

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