Chapter 1

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   "Zircon! You're going to be late!" I sigh and slowly open my eyes, blinking to adjust to the sunlight. Today is another choosing day. I get to watch five boys go on to meet their destinies as dragon riders while I get to stay here and be a proper housewife. 'Yippie.' I think to myself.

   I have no interest in learning how to cook, sew, and do laundry. I want to be in the air, soaring through the clouds and keeping the dark creatures at bay. I want to learn to track a deer halfway through the wood without ever losing its trail. Sadly, this will never happen and I will have to become a weak-willed woman who only gossips with her friends about which guy is the cutest. 'Just like my sisters.' I sigh again before getting up off my small bed in the corner of our sleeping area. My only possessions are in the trunk at the far wall. I own little; two rough tunics (one casual, one hunter's), two pairs of leggings (black and dark green), one thin belt (from my father), one hunter's coat (made from my first deer kill) , and one pair of hunting boots (again from my father). Anything girly, like skirts and dresses, I borrow from my mother or one of my 3 sisters. My family never had any sons but my father likes to think of me as a son. He started teaching me when I was 6, after I had trailed him and his hunting party all the way to their camp without making a noise. My training increased rapidly until I was able to beat my father, all the boys in the village, and even a few experienced warriors.

   This morning, I pull on my official hunter's tunic, the belt, my green leggings, hunters boots, and hunter's coat. This is my outfit for all of the choosing days I have been to. My mother walks into the room and braids my blonde hair. She has long since accepted that I will never be girly like my sisters. I grab an apple on the way out the door and exit my family's house. The frigid morning air is refreshing as I walk towards the square in the middle of town. The village men have erected a small, wooden stage-like thing with a podium with a large indent. I know what this is for. Every year, all the village's boys between the ages of 15 and 18, come out on May 17, to the Choosing Ceremony. An official dragon rider will also be there. With him, he will have Alabaster's Stone. Each boy will touch the stone in turn. There are many possible outcomes. If the stone lights up, you have magic. Green is a nature wielder, blue is a water wielder, red is a fire wielder, and purple is an air wielder. Those are the most common, yellow means you are a wizard, orange is a shapeshifter, and white is a mind wielder. The most rare is gold. If the stone shines gold, you are a dragon rider. There has never been a female magic wielder, much less a dragon rider. This ceremony takes place in all the villages and cities of the world. 5 boys are selected from each as dragon riders.

  The town square is filled with children of all ages and I mingle freely. I get a lot of stares from people who are not from this village because they have never seen a female hunter, much less one who publicly admits it. The bell tower chimes 7 and the ceremony begins. The first boy's name is called and he looks extremely nervous. His hand touches the smooth stone and it seems like the entire village holds their breath. The stone lights up an eerie blue and the boy sighs in relief. The ceremony moves more quickly now and there is only two boys left. So far, there are 3 dragon riders,  1 water mage, 1 fire mage, 1 shapeshifter, 1 air mage, 1 mind mage, and 2 Earth wielders. These last two boys must be dragon riders and they are smiling in anticipation.

   The second to last boy's name is called and he touches the stone. It glows gold and there is cheering from the audience. The last boy walks up and his palm hits the stone. Everyone leans forward and.... 


Hi! I will try to update again on Saturday or Sunday but it might be a little late because of school complications. Please comment and vote if you like it! if you don't like it, comment on what I could do better.




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