Chapter 24

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'Yay!' Rayne screams 'LUCY!!!!'


Lucy is at the door, holding what appears to be a towel. I step away from the door and she follows me in. After she places her bundle down on the bed, she simply smiles, nods, and walks out of the room again.

'Well.' Rayne says 'WHAT'S IN THE BUNDLE?????'

' Geez. Stop screaming and I'll open it!' I tell her. We need to work on her screaming problem. It's gonna give me headaches! With Rayne muttering in the back of my mind, I walk towards the bed and open the bundle. Lucy gave me exactly what I need! I got a black towel with gold streaks and a black and gold bikini. It's a bit more revealing than I'd like but... Ehh. Who cares?! I get to go swimming! Quick as lighting(or Jason on Taco Tuesdays) I change into the swimsuit and throw my casual tunic on over it. Grabbing my towel on the way out, I race towards the swimming pond.

'ALMOST THERE!!!' Rayne screams.

'YAY!!' I reply. I haven't been swimming in ages! It's always so fun though, gliding through the water.... Ahhhh. As I reach the pond, I see the boys and realize that I'm the last one to arrive. "Sorry boys!" I scream. (Or Ice-cream. Whichever you see fit.) 

"You are sooooooo late!" Jason informs me.

"Sorry. Technical error!"

"Well," he replies "at least you're here now. Do you have any idea how boring he" he points to John "is?"

"I'm not boring!" John argues.




"No!" While they're arguing, I manage to get them next to the pond. They're to caught up in their little spat to notice anything! 

'What are you doing?' Rayne asks suspiciously .

'Nothing!' I respond quickly. Contrary to what I say though, I stand next to them and..... 

PUSH!!!! They go flying into the air, which rips a yelp from John and an extremely girly shriek from Jason. I bend over an laugh till there are tears streaming down my face and a cramp in my side. Upon looking up, expecting to see their angry faces, I'm greeted with nothing. I can't see them anywhere and I start to panic.

'What if they drowned????' Rayne panics with me. Suddenly, I'm lifted into the air by two pairs of strong arms. The arms shift a bit before carrying me to the side of the pond. 

"One, two, three!" Jason and  John shout before throwing me into the cold water. I hold my breath for a while before scissor kicking back to the top. I see Jason and John on the shore, laughing like the idiots they are. Serenely, I walk up the steep bank and onto dry land. The two idiots stop laughing and look at me in total fear of what I'm gonna do. Instead of getting my revenge, which I'm gonna do soon, I simply take off my wet, scratchy tunic. I turn around and see the boys staring at me. 

"What?" I say, hands on hips, "Never seen a girl in a swimsuit before?"


Hey, sorry for the 1/2 update.... wattled decided to delete part of my story THREE times. Anyway... Now It's all good! YAY!!!! Also, who watched to Super Bowl?? Not me! I just watched to commercials and 1/2 time show. Go Football! Have a great school week!




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