Chapter 10

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 I am running to the dining hall when I hear the cry. It sounds like a whining cat and pulls my heart strings. I skid to a stop and wait. It calls again but is closer. A large black blob comes rushing around the corner and knocks into me. 


My head hits the ground hard and I see red spots dancing in my vision. Groaning, I sit up and see what attacked me. There, sitting on my chest, is Amipere. (A/N BTW, Amipere is Amber in Maori) She is mewling like a lost kitten and kneading my chest with fat, blunt claws.  Her beautiful eyes look up at me and sparkle. She croaks out a short cry and jumps off. Shakily, I stand up and head towards the dining hall. A sudden weight on my shoulders almost has me falling again. I straighten with much difficulty and look down. Amipere is lying down around my neck, head on my right, tail on my left. Her tail is hooked around my neck and if I were to move the wrong way, I would get choked. 

"Alright." I sigh "You can stay." If she hears me, she doesn't let me know and just rests her head on her paws. The rest of the walk is uneventful and sooner than anticipated, I am standing next to he great oak doors. I hear the shouting before I even open them and it only gets louder when I do. One one side, there is a huge buffet with everything you could ever want. On the other, there are round tables that look like they could hold 7 people each. I look swiftly around before recognizing the boys. I walk towards their table and slip into a seat. They are arguing and haven't seemed to notice my presence. I clear my throat and everyone jumps. They look at me briefly, nod their head and go back to arguing. I give them 5 seconds. 

Their heads snap towards me and the little dragon on my shoulder. Alex is the first to speak. 

"Zircon, don't freak out but there is a thing on your shoulder. Stay still and we'll get it off." He slowly approaches me and is about a foot away before I stop him. 

"I know. It's Amipere." he blinks.


"Amipere. My dragon." It feels good to say that, almost like something has been missing and I finally found it. I finally found Amipere.


Hello! Sorry for the late (and short) update. We got an assignment to write an essay. 

Shout-out to @dragongirl216 for the lovely comments and support. 

Thanks! I'll try to update tomorrow. (Day off!!!)




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