Capter 13

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That night, I go to sleep with the bow and quiver beside me, thinking of my family.
"Shut up."
"I'm gonna kill you!"
*BE-* *clunk*
I sighed, having thrown a shoe at it.
Finally! Peace and quiet.
*BEEP* I growled and rolled out of bed. The alarm I didn't remember setting met its unfortunate demise. I slugged into the bathroom to take a shower. The warm water was therapeutic and before long,  I was ready to face the day. The closet had two options, long, black leggings and a gold tunic or a black and gold dress. You can guess which I choose. THE DRESS!!! Jk. Only in my nightmares. The black leggings fit like a glove and the tunic reached my waist. I was poking around when I saw a another top. This one looked like a hunters top, tight and aerodynamic. It was gold as well but had 4 vertical stripes on each side that were black. The arms cut off at the shoulder (a/n it's a tank top) and it looked perfect. I slipped it on and sighed. It felt like the tops my father had allowed me to were on hunting expeditions. I quickly braided my hair and splashed cold water in my face. I slung my quiver over my back, grabbed a handful of arrows from my pack and unfolded the bow. Amipere woke up and flew drearily over to sit on my shoulder. Yet again, she fell asleep. Bow in hand, dragon on shoulder, I was ready to go.
I was two steps out the door before realizing I had forgotten to put shoes on. Sighing, I grabbed my socks, pulled them on and slipped on my boots. Just for fun, I strapped on my many knife holders. 2 leg ones, one around me waist, and one on my left arm. They were all fully stocked with knives and I left, closing the door quietly behind myself. Lurking in the shadows, I made my way to the dining hall.

No one seemed to notice me as I darted from shadow to shadow, never making a sound. The dining hall was quieter than usual as I walked in. The line was short and I grabbed my breakfast. A bowl of porridge flavored with honey and milk, an apple, and a glass of water made their way onto my tray. It was to early for many people to be up and I relished the silence. Alex and Jason were already up and I walked at a leisurely pace to sit with them. Jason looked up as I approached and pushed a bowl towards me. In it was warm milk and there was a note.


Last night, I noticed that Amipere wasn't in her nest. This is normal for the first few nights but she should eventually get used to sleeping in unfamiliar nests. Here's her breakfast for today. 

Hope you slept well,


 'Well, ' I thought 'that was nice of him.' I set the bowl on the ground near my feet and Amipere fell on it ravenously. Before long, it was all gone and she seemed content to sit and let us pet her.  I ate in a thoughtful silence. The porridge was a tiny bit spicy, the apple crisp, and the milk refreshing. I had just taken the last bite of the apple when a rush of people came in. The hall was no longer quiet as friends talked about their first day and the mages showed of new tricks. All the older students smiled knowingly and watched the newbies preform their little tricks. One 3rd year water mage even started showing the others how to make a globe of water in their hands. He had his 'students' unwavering attention as he coached them gently. One particular boy got it down real quick and was soon trying to make the globe move. Lets just say he and the globe had a difference of opinion and the globe got angry. The hall was alight with laughter and shouting. That is, until the professors came in. A long line, nearly stretching out into the hall, they stared at us with an even look. None of them talked but everyone quieted down anyway. One in blue robes stepped forward and spread his arms wide. "Welcome. To a new year at the Academy!" he was met with many cheers and Amipere was shaken, taking her perch on my shoulder again. "I hear we have a special student in our midst. They come from Stoneheart"

'Here we go again.' I thought to myself. And, of course, I was correct.

"Will Zircon Morgan please come up here?" I sighed and stood, Amipere at my neck. I meandered through the crowds and stopped only once, to give the bully from the other day an evil glare. He glared right back and Amipere didn't like it. Her back arched and her forked tongue slid out in a quiet snarl. She didn't relax at all, even when we were on the stage. When the blue robed man held out his hand for me to shake, she went as far as to hiss loudly and take a swipe at it. The blue robe man merely smiled and laughed a loud, booming laugh. 

"I think this one's gonna be a fighter! I can't wait to see what you will be able to do in a year." The last part was directed at me alone and I walked dazedly back to my seat. 'What did he mean?'


Ok. I have a question. Do you guys prefer longer chapters that take a bit more time to write, or shorter chapters that I can update faster?

Thanks for reading!!!

-- 101silver_wolf

P.S. I'll update soon! Friday at the latest!


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