Chapter 20

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The light is blinding and I squint my eyes while they adjust. Every single instructor is there and whispering. Ampere sits worriedly on the porch and whistles when she sees me. She looks much bigger than the last time I saw her. Her wings extend to fly towards me. She lands on her usual spot on my shoulder. The instructors stop nervously flitting around and stare at me.
"So" Hunter clears his throat "you didn't get eaten by the monster?" I snort. "He's no monster. You're the only monster I can see. What did Soul do to you anyway?" Hunters face blanches.
"He told you his name?"
"Um. Yeah." Why does he care? "Anyway, do you  make it a habit of throwing  new students into dark. Strange houses? Or was I just getting special treatment?" Hunter turns red faced.
"Well, you see, if ahh.. Soul.. As you call him, would have eaten you, we would have known you to be evil. Since he didn't eat you, your fine to continue at the academy."
'The crap?' Rayne and I are on the same page right now.
"Whatever," I say "can I go back to training or what?" I don't want to but I don't want them to see how shaken up I am about Rayne and Soul and this crazy day.
"Yes." Hunter responds quietly.
"Good!" I huff and stomp back to the training grounds. The boys are sparring when I enter so I just sit and watch. The instructors return and I get bored. It's the same pattern over and over. Slash, block, thrust, block. I go up to one boy, he seems to be holding his own well, and ask to duel him. He quickly agrees and I grab 2
Knives. He holds a long, broad staff and twirls it around his body. We circle for a minute and the. He jumps at me. His staff swipes at my stomach and I jump back, slashing at his forearm. He blocks and goes for a fast over the head pass. I notice and dance quickly of of th way. It continues like that, neither one of us getting a blow in for 5 or so minutes. I suppress Rayne, who is trying to get me to let her take control of my body. While doing so, the boy nearly slams his staff into my thigh but I slip in a patch of mud and my knee bends out of the way. Using my slip as a distraction, I let myself fall onto my back. The boy looks surprised for s moment before he thrusts at my stomach. I roll out of the way, in the process purposely dropping one of my knives. Now that I have a free hand, I grab the staff and prevent him from moving it. The hand which still has the dagger goes to point at his jugular. The boy however is not phased and slowly reaches one hand to twist the staff out of my grasp. His hands then go up in surrender and I relax my stance. We are both sweating heavily but I am happy that he made me work this hard. It has been a long time since I have gotten to battle with a person at my level. The boy smiles and drops his weapon. I sheath my knives and we shake hands. He does not look sad or annoyed about losing, he seems happy so I smile back.
"Good job." He says.
"Thanks. You to." We walk over the water station and sit down, both still panting from the battle.
"I've never fought a girl before. You are an amazing fighter." I smile again. He seems like a nice guy and possibly someone to talk to. "I'm John." He says and sticks out his hand.
"Zircon." I grasp his hand. "It's a pleasure meeting you. Everyone else seems to detest the fact that I'm a girl." He laughs a great ringing laugh and throws his head back. I look at him and finally see him as a human and not just a person to spar with. He has dark blonde hair and dark gray eyes. His skin is a light tan and his hands are weathered, showing hard work. It must have payed off because he has a lithe frame. Graceful but you can tell there are strong muscles in his arms and legs. He must be one of the village boys, not the stuffy nobles who have never worked a day in their lives. He stops laughing and gasps for breath.
"That is probably true. Don't worry though, they'll just have to get used to it. You'll probably end up as their captain or boss and then they'll all be sayin' that they'd liked you since you first met. " I like him instantly. His down to earth manner is refreshing and he seems to understand a bit of what I'm going through. I hope he doesn't change because of why everyone else thinks. Maybe he'll be my friend.

Hey guys!!!! So. I was gonna post on Wednesday but I got sick. Actually, I'm still sick so I stayed home today. Some of my time was spent writing. This was the two chapters I made last week while at camp and I hope you like them. (They got squished into one longer chapter) I might update a shorter chapter tomorrow depending on stuff. I have softball evaluations and other stuff. Anywho, comment and vote if you liked it, if you didn't like it, that's fine. Maybe comment on what I could do better. My throat is starting to kill me again so I need to go make some tea.
P.S. We reached over 1,000 views!!! Thanks so much guys!

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