Chapter 25

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"What?" I say, hands on hips, "Never seen a girl in a swimsuit before?"


Jason shrugs but John just keeps staring. 

"Hey," I snap my fingers "my eyes are up here." He blushes and turns away, slowly wading into the water.  We splash around for a while longer until, somehow, I end up in between both of the guys. John is holding me down, and Jason is tickling me to death.

"S...S...Stop!" I squeal. Jason doesn't respond. "Seriously! I'm gonna pee!" That makes him stop real fast. 

"Ha! Got ya!" I jump up and dive back into the water. Obviously, my internal reasoning is bad because while I'm thinking, 'Haha! They can't get us now!' they are jumping into the water to follow me. Rayne laughs in my head while I let out out a string of un-ladylike words (mentally of course) and try to hide. Since I know I will have to some up for air, I dart behind a large algae plant. It's long leaves will give me a good cover while I breathe. I peek around a part of it to look for the guys. 

'Hey,' Rayne asks 'where are the boys?' Uhhhhh. Not again! Why do they disappear every time I need to see them?!?! Cautiously, I swim out of the protective shield of algae and look around. I feel a disturbance in the water; right as Jason and John grab me, again. They carry me to the shore and set me down on the towel I brought. They are laughing so hard, tears coming to their eyes. 

"You should have seen the look on your face when we grabbed you!" Jason starts.

"Priceless!" John finishes. While they laugh, I smack them upside the head and glare. 

"Ow!" They complain together. "Jinx! No! I said it first." 

'Wow.' Rayne comments 'Just like twins.' I shudder slightly. Imagine if we had two Johns and Jasons running around. 'Oh.' She gets my thought. 'That would be bad.'

"Boys!" I say outlaid. They both look up from arguing. "You realize we have only 15 minutes before classes resume right?"

"Frickle-doodle!" Jason shouts. 

"Manhood weeps when you say that." John replies.

"Does not!!" Jason stomps his foot. John looks at him. "Oh." Jason realizes what he did. 

'Yeah.' Rayne comments randomly 'What if we did have four of these idiots running around.' We pack up our stuff and head back to the dorms. John walks with me since we are on the same floor apparently, and drops me off by my door. 

"Hey," I'm about to walk in when he calls. "thanks." I smile and nod.

"No problem."


Hello my little guppies, sword-fish, tuna, albacore, yellow-fin, salmon, and trout. BTW, those are like, all the fish breeds I know. Well, also...

Mackerel, goldfish, beta fish, shrimp, carp, koi, catfish, bass, seabass... Wait! Shrimp... Shrimp aren't fish?!?!? Now I'm sad. And confused... 

Anyway! You guys know the drill. Comment and vote if you liked it! If you didn't *tear leaks* you a butt! No. I love everyone. But seriously. Comment and let me know what you think! (and what type of fish you are. I'm a blob fish. If you don't know what that is, look it up!) 


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