Chapter 5

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Then a deep voice said, "We'll take her."


I took my hand off the stone and looked for who had 'claimed' me. My stomach plummeted when I saw it was the 'jock' table. I sighed and walked slowly to them. One, he had red hair, freckles and green eyes, pulled out a chair of me. I slowly sank into it and waited for someone to talk. A guy with blonde hair and brown eyes spoke first. 

"Are you really a dragon rider?"


"Are you sure?"


"Is that the only answer I will get out of you?"


He threw his hands up in the air.  "She speaks!" I roll my eyes but giggle a little at his antics. 

"Hi" he says "I'm James, he" he jerks his thumb to a guy with black hair and blue eyes "is Garret" I learn that the redhead is Brenden and the brown haired guy is Alex. 

"I'm Zircon." They all nod their heads. "Are you all dragon riders?"

"Yep!" replies James, popping the p. "This is a rider's only group. "

"Oh." I sigh a bit. "Anyway, why did you only choose me and not anyone else?" They all shrug. 

"You seemed mysterious and when you were fighting, you were deadly." Garret says simply. "By the way, are you actually a hunter, or did your boyfriend give it to you?"

"One, " I begin, "yes I am actually a hunter, one of the best in my village. Two, I have never had or wanted a boyfriend." Garret seems stunned for a moment but he quickly recovers. "What kind of dragons do you have?" I'm curious. The only dragons that came to Stone Heart were small, messenger dragons.

"I have a red dragon named Sarli." Says Brenden "Alex has a green dragon named Foley, Garth's is blue and is named Dreamer, and James has a purple one named Tarch!"

"Cool." I wonder what color my dragon will be but my thoughts are interrupted by Alex.

During the rest of the dinner, lamb stew with bread and cheese, the group and I are talking and they give me my schedule and room assignment. I am in the west tower with the James, Alex, Brenden, and Garth but I have no roommate. My schedule is,

7:00 am --- Breakfast

8:00 am --- Flight and Areobatics

10:00 am --- Anatomy/Science

11:00 am --- Strategy

12:00 pm --- Lunch

1:00 pm --- P.E./ Capture the Flag

3:00 pm --- Survival

4:00 pm --- Combat

6:00 pm --- Free period

9:00 pm --- Dinner

11:00 pm --- Curfew

The guys tell me that P.E. and Combat are the best classes and they start telling me stories about how Alex almost once got stepped on by a dragon. I laugh along with them and for the first time today, I feel at ease and happy. Dinner ends and they lead me to my room. James advises me to get lot of sleep because tomorrow, he says, will be exhausting. I thank them and walk into my room. I barely notice the beautiful red and gold decorations before falling onto the bed and slipping into sleep. 


I had to re-write a bunch of it because Wattpad deleted some of my drafts. Anyhow, comment and vote if you liked it. If you didn't you have three options. 

1) Suck it  up and keep reading to see if it gets better

2) Give me feedback on what is wrong/ what you didn't like

3) Stop reading the book entirely




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