Chapter 23

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John catches my waist. We're now in that awkward position you always see in the movies. Oops.

His face was priceless. He had a mixture of confusion, shyness, and laughter in his eyes as he slowly helped me back up. We stood face to face, only a few inches separating us when we heard a low cough. Startled, I jumped back and looked at the intruder. It was Jason.

'Why?' Rayne asked 'Why?'

'What?' I asked her, confused.

'Hmn? Oh! Well, weren't you guys gonna kiss?' she replied innocently.

'HEH!??!?' I shouted mentally, 'NO! Why would you think that?'

'Well, ' she started 'you were in that funny position, and he caught you, and so... Why wouldn't you kiss?'

'It's a bit more complicated than that...'

'Wha...' She started but I cut her off. Strange voice. I go out of our link and am screech a bit when I see both John and Jason's faces in my eye line. When did they get so close? 

"Are you okay?" Johns face holds concern. "You spaced out for a minute there. We were worried you'd had some kind of seizure."

"No. " I reassure him "I'm fine. Rayne was... " I'm about to explain but see their confused faces. Oh. Right. They don't know about Rayne. "Never mind. Just thinking about my... uh... sister. Ya! Sister, Rayne. She once um... she... uh... Got flour everywhere while trying to make bread. Yeah! Mom was so mad at her!"

'Nice save.' Rayne snickers.

'Thank you!' I do a bow in my head.

"Okay." Jason still looks concerned.  "Well, dinner's not for a good 4 hours so you guys have a few options. You can go see your dragons, practice fighting, have a snack, go swimming, or whatever else you want to do."

"Fun! What do you want to do John?" It all sounds exciting to me!

"How about we go for a swim?"

"YES!!! I'll meet you guys down at the lake in 15! Kay?" I don't even wait for their reply before bolting to my room. 

'Wait, ' Rayne pauses for a second 'do we even have a bathing suit?'

'Schumrdle. No.' Poop. There goes swimming. Wait. What about Lucy? Could she get me a suit? Hmm. How do I ask her? Is there like, a bell or a letter system? I poke around my room for 5 minutes before I realize that there's a small, silver button thingy. Curiously, I poke it and wait a minute before deducing that it does nothing. Sighing, I flop back onto my bed and mull over possible solutions. 

Then, there is a tiny knock on the door and I sit up again. Careful to not make noise, I creep towards the door and open it the smallest bit. 

'Yay!' Rayne screams 'LUCY!!!!'

A Dragon's Rider (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now