Chapter 31

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The last thing I see is a black shadow running out of the woods.


My head hits the ground and I can no longer see or hear anything.

As my vision wavers in and out, I  begin to wake up and see a face hovering over me. It looks like John though I can't be sure. John is saying something but I cannot hear him. His face is panicked and it looks like his words are urgent. My eyes start to clear up more and more and my ears start to hear again.

"Zircon! Zircon! Can you hear me? What  happened? Are you okay?" His words are coming out in a loud slur and his babbling makes no sense what-so-ever. My muscles refuse to move and so I'm stuck staring up at him.
"Zircon?!? Can you hear me?"
'Come on girl!' Rayne shouts in my head. 'Get up, move your arm, move your eye! Anything!' Well, maybe I could move my eye... Yup! There we go.
I blink slowly at John who seems to sigh with relief. Feeling is coming back to my body a bit as I try to move my wrists. Then my elbows, then my my shoulder; until I can move most of my body again. Sure, it hurt like schmur but I can still move!

"W-Wh-Where am I?" I ask John. Guess my mouth is still a bit numb.

'Wow.' Rayne snickers 'Very articulate.'

'Shove a sock in it.' I tell her. She only laughs harder.

"You're in the infirmary." John says. "I was walking back when I found you lying on the ground with claw marks on you." he looks worried "What happened?"

"Some dragon attacked me on my way back from training." I reply. His mouth turns down in an ugly grimace.

"Why would someone want to hurt you?" he asks.

"Maybe it was the idiot..." His face looks confused so I say, "Never mind. Just a thought."

"Well," he doesn't seem to want to let it go but he does. "Maybe it was a rouge dragon?"

'Rouge dragons don't just appear and attack random students.' Ryan mutters and I kinda agree with her. I mean, why me? Was I just in the wrong place at the wrong time?

For the first time, I look around at my surroundings. Everything is stark white and clean. Except me. I am still dirty though some of my wounds are slightly less painful than I remember. As I'm looking around, a tall woman comes in. Her hair is a dark, chocolatey brown with eyes to match.
"Hi!" She says cheerfully, holding a clipboard in her hand "I'm Kylie, the healer in this place. Even though I don't have magic, I can still make a heck of a medicine.!" She smiles at me before consulting her clipboard. "Your wounds are coming along nicely and you should be able to start walking in a few days. This being said, I will be putting restrictions on the exercises you can and cannot do."

"Understood." I say. "Do you know who attacked me?" The nurse winces before responding. I also notice that John is tensing up.

"No honey. There was no residue that could be used to find who attacked you. There are no fragments of scales or hairs." She puts a slim hand on my shoulder and squeezes reassuringly. "If we catch whoever did this, Hunter will kick their butt so far out that he will have to put two stamps on any letters he sends."

That makes me feel a bit better and I realize just how sleepy I am. The nurse notices and gently ushers John out. She smiles at me and closes the door to the room. The cool silence lulls me to sleep and my eyes close. The next few days will be boring and sleep-filled.

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