Chapter 15

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It's not that hard.
One instructor who I remember is named Chris and he's gonna train is, comes up to me and stares for a moment. He then turns and shouts "Well, we don't pay y'all to stand there and gawk! Get down and give me 40 push-ups!"

"Technically," one boy mutters "we aren't paid at all yet." Chris obviously hears it but doesn't say anything, though I swear I saw him smile the tiniest bit. Everyone does 40 push-ups. Some faster than others, depending on their previous training. The instructors go around yelling at people to do it better. I'm one of the first done and the boys that are still doing then look at me in surprise. I merely roll my eyes. 'Deal with it. I'm not a normal girl.' I think to myself. Everyone is done and we do more conditioning. Sit-ups, running, and this really annoying thing where you have to sit on your butt and lift your legs and torso off the ground for ridiculous amounts of time. By the end everyone was panting and more than one person had to be escorted off the field.
"Alright!" Bellowed Chris "Now the hard stuff!" A lot of people groan and moan. I don't say anything because the instructors would just say it's because I'm a girl. Two by two, he calls us up to spar. When my name is called, I walk up and look at my opponent. He is huge! His monstrous frame towers over me and he smirks. Obviously he thinks I'm weak. This only steels my resolve to win. We are allowed one weapon and I see him choose a large broadsword. I strip my knife holders off and face him. No weapon in hand. Chris looks at me weirdly.
"You're allowed a weapon you know."
"I know. I don't want one." I reply. Chris shrugs and turns to face the other boy.
"Yep." He and I say at the same time.
"Alright. FIGHT!" The boy immediately rushed me and does an overhead swing. I stand still till the last second before dodging. My fist flies out while he's still swinging and I'm still dodging. It lands a square hit on his stomach. He looks stunned and turns to face me again. I smile at him and give him a two finger salute. He swings again, this time it's followed by a series of fast short thrusts. On the swing, I kick out with my right leg and hit the flat of the blade. I force my leg downward and successfully knock his blade out of hands. I lift it with my foot and toss the sword off the the side. Now it's even. Sort of...

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