Chapter 8

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Spencer pov

We are waiting for some news from Alison and Emily until two o'clock.

Aria and Hanna are sitting on the chairs in the waiting room. They are looking to the ground quietly. Caleb and Ezra run in the waiting room with worried faces. The girls must have called them without I noticed. I tried to call Toby but he didn't answer or text me back. I had to let him a message on his voice-mail. I hope he will get it fast and then come straight away here. I need him. He is the only person who makes me feel safe and happy whatever the situation. When he kisses me or hugs me, I think everything gonna be alright and I want to feel that way now, I need it.

I am pacing around the hall and the waiting room. Emily's mom are in the same room than us calling someone. Probably Emily's father. She seems devastated. We didn't tell her about what happened with Page and Alison. We think Em wants to speak with her mom about all those thing. No one is here for Alison because we didn't call her family. We aren't sure if she wants to say her family she is still alive.

Suddenly I hear steps on the hall and I see Toby goes through the room. A smile emerges on my face. He is here!! I run to him and he opens his arms ti hug me.

-"It's so good to see you" I say him on his shoulder.

-"What happened?"

I have to tell him everything but before I start the doctor comes and says "It is about Emily ans Alison". Emily's mom and Toby look at us surprised when they heard "Alison". Caleb and Ezra already knew about her.

-"So I have good news for Emily, she is out of danger. She broke her arm, has an ankle sprain and a mild concussion but she is safe. She is sleeping now but I think she will wake up soon." We are so relieved that Em is safe. But what about Alison? 

-"For Alison it is more complicated, she received a lot of hits and she have a big concussion with many broken rib. We don't know if she will wake up but we are up but we are doing our best to rescue her too". It is horrible. Alison saves Emily from this bitch and now we don't know if she is okay or if she will wake up some day. Emily will be devastated when she will learn that news.

-"May we see them?" Aria asked.

-"Yes sure but not all of you at the same time." responded the doctor.

We say thanks to him and we walk to Alison's room. Emily's mom probably wants to be alone with her daughter before she wakes up. Boys are waiting for us in the hall. Alison and Emily's rooms are close to each other.

When we go in the room, we are shocked by all medical device around our friend. She looks so bad. Her eyes are closed but we can hear that she is still breathing. It is a good sign, i guess. She can breath by herself so we  get some hope. We don't know if she can hear us so we just stare at her without making noise.

Emily's mom leaves the room and says to us then we can go to see Emily. When we arrive, we all see she wakes up. She looks tired but not too bad. We hug her for a long time and we let us some space.

-"Where is Alison?" It is the first words she tells us. She is so caring for Alison. I think that so sweet.

-"She lays next to your room." Hanna responds "Do you want to see her?"

-"Yeah sure but I need some help because I can't walk."

We help Emily to put her on the wheelchair and push her to Alison's room.

-"Thanks" Em tells us "Can we leave us alone for few minutes please." She is so sad right now I'm pretty sure she is mad at herself for what happened to Ali.

-"Sure but don't blame yourself, it isn't your fault. Paige is in jail right now so she can't hurt you or Ali anymore, don't worry" Aria answer her.

Emily gives us a little smile and turns back to see Alison. We go out of the room and talk with our boyfriends.

Emily pov

I feel so bad for what happened to Alison. It is all my fault. If I had fight back and won against Paige, Ali would never got hurt... She wouldn't in the hospital right now with her beautiful eyes close and machines all around her. I don't know what i will do if something bad happen to her. How could live in this world without feel guilty all the time if Alison dead because of me. I can't imagine why Paige did that to Ali and me. I was her girlfriend and she was supposed to love me as much as loved her. I trusted her with my own life. 

Right now I feel so bad and I suddenly remember some things about Paige which I thought it was weird. The way she disappeared for two or three days without text or call for me. The way she told me she had a crush on me. The way she always appeared in some place when I was with my friends and i didn't tell her where we went. 

I remembered all the moment we spend together. All of this was a big lie. When her grandmother died, when my father came back from the army with a broken leg etc etc. We were supposed to help each other when we was in trouble whatever the cost...

But I can't give up now. I have to be strong for Alison. She is still fighting for her life. 

-"Please Ali don't let me in the world without you. I can't imagine open my eyes every day if you aren't in my life anymore. I don't care how much you hurt me in the past, I'm always here for you! I want to see your beautiful eyes looking at me with your gorgeous smile on your lovely face. I want to hear your voice again telling me "hey" or whatever you want to say to me. Please Ali don't give up. I know you are in pain right now but I promise you if you open your so attractive eyes I'll never let someone hurt you again. I swear it. Please Ali...."

I don't get any answer from her. I grab her hand. It is so cold but i don't care. I'm still looking at her. I want to be here with her when she will wake up. I don't want ler her go anywhere without me anymore. I have to take care of her.

I fall asleep with her hand still in mine.

Alison pov 

I feel a hand in mine. I don't know who is with me that's why I want to open my eyes to see who is it. Suddenly I remember what happened between Em Paige and Me and I almost jump out of the bad. I abruptly open my eyes and I see who is next to me. It's Em and she is still sleeping.... Oh god she looks so beautiful right now. The sun rays enlighten her cute face. I slowly fondle her hand with mine. She opens her eyes a little with a tired face but when she sees me, she barely fall out of her wheelchair. 

-"Hey you" I said with my sweetest voice.

-"Oh my god Ali, are you okay??" 

-"Yeah I'm fine because you are with me" I respond her without thinking about what I'm saying. She looks at me with a big smile and we get closer.

I haven't talk to her yet but I want to kiss her so badly right now that I don't care about speaking...

We go closer and closer but when her lips almost crash on mine someone walk in the room.....


Hey guys sorry I didn't have time to publish until tonight. 

Hope you'll enjoy this one. 

let comments if you want :) 


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