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Steven and Ally walked into the empty bank vault they called home. "Morning, how was the hunt?" Jeff asked. "It went okay..." Ally trailed off. "What happened?" Mel asked before Jeff could say anything. "We couldn't find anything, so we went to the west gate and still nothing," Ally exclaimed. "Even at west..." His sentence never finished. Clang clang clang was heard on the titanium door. Steven ran to the door as if he was ready to kill someone, clang clang clang was heard on the door once more. Steven grabbed his knife from his boot ready to stab at anyone who came in. Jeff answered the door or rather the slot in the door. "I need help," an old man said sounding raspy through the door. "How did you find out about us?" Jeff shouted back. "I... I can't tell you," the old man said. "TELL ME!" Jeff shouted angrily. The old man turned to run, Jeff entered the key code and ran after him. Jeff being at least thirty years younger than the guy caught and tackled him in seconds. They knocked him unconscious and dragged him back into their vault. Jeff and Steven dragged him into a chair and tied him up.

The old man woke up and was questioned immediately. "What's your name, Who sent you, and most importantly how did you find us?" the old man didn't answer a single question before he popped a cyanide pill in his mouth. "Was that all necessary, did we have to almost kill him," Ally said. She stormed out of the concrete fortress. (four hours later) "Where is Ally?" Mel thought out loud, "I'm worried." "We all are,"Jeff said in his calming voice. Mel walked calmly to the door, "Don't go!" Jeff shouted. Mel typed in the password and left. "It's to dark to go after her." Jeff mumbled.

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