Gone Hunting

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Steven stood up and patted his leg to call the dog. The mother got up and barked for her puppies, the puppies were only 3 weeks and could barely see so Steven, Jeff, Mel and Ally all picked one up and carried them back to the vault. It was late so they all went to bed Steven got to sleep with the mother and all the puppies, which Ally objected to. The night past without anything going wrong. Early on in the morning the puppies started crying. Steven woke up at the same time the puppies did and so tended to them, Jeff woke up next and got breakfast ready for the nine of them. The girls had secretly been awake for along time but didn't want to be on breakfast duty. "Morning boys!" Mel said excitedly. "Morning!"  Jeff said, and as per usual she got a head nod from Steven.  "Guess who is on lunch duty!" Jeff said, "Oh.. and guess what we need more food." Mel just snorted and said "Steven has to come to!" Ally walked out of her part of the vault and quickly sat down in their "living room" After a few hour passed and the whole gang was awake Mel and Steven went out to hunt for food. Jeff and Ally were left with the puppies because Bella (The mother dog) went with Mel and Steven to hunt. The pair went to the western quarantine gate with their arrows. Steven stood in the gate while Mel stood in top to get a good shot. A deer ran in between a row of junked cars. Bella chased the deer and almost caught it before Mel shot it straight through the head. Steven showed up to the kill ready to finish it but there was no need it was dead before it hit the ground.

A nod was all the recognition Mel needed, Steven picked up the deer and said "I can't believe how well this dog responds to commands, hell I'm impressed it knows the commands." Mel was shocked Steven hadn't said that much since kindergarten. They walked slowly back to the vault, Mel did all the talking asking question that would never be answered. BANG a gun shot fired in their direction. They both without thinking hid behind on of the old cars. "What was that?" Mel shouted her voice cold. "Who's out there?" a voice shouted, "Hello?" The voice sounded a lot like an old friend of theirs "George is that you?" Mel shouted "Mel?" George shouted back.

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