It's To Dark

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When the sun finally rose Jeff and Steven geared up with their weapons and went out.  "We have to find her," Jeff said pretending to be calm. The two of them walked for three and a half hours before finding Mel at their favourite ice cream shop. Mel sat on one of the former cherry red benches in tears. "We will never find her," She cried. Just as Ally walked around the corner, she seemed really nervous. Ally walked up to her friends at a good clip. "We have to move now!" she almost shouted, "What... wait why?" Mel asked. "A band of bikers saw me and started to chase me!" Ally shouted this time. Steven grabbed his revolver his father gave him and started running. Jeff grabbed his knife and followed suit, the girls did the same. They ran to the corner store just two blocks ahead and hid inside. The Bikers rode by Mel got excited to early and attracted the wrong attention. The biker gang rode back and walked into the empty corner store. The group of teens hid behind the front desk in the cupboards. The head honcho of the gang looked over the front desk and the teens all held their breath. "Nothing here," one of them said, his words were followed by a shot and a thud. The head of the group opened the door and left, one of his cronies peaked his head over the counter one last time and saw nothing. 

They heard the bikes drive away Steven crawled out of his hiding place gun loaded. He slowly peaked his head over the counter, "All clear!" Steven whispered. Jeff, Mel and Ally crawled out an stood up behind the counter, the brightly coloured lottery tickets still shone in the sun light. Steven cocked his revolver and ran to the door. "The bikers are gone," he said in his quiet voice. Jeff pulled his knife and opened the door,  He ran across the parking lot and climbed a tree. The girls both with knives walked out and mocked Jeff. "Jeff get down you idiot," Mel said. They walked across the parking lot toward the bank.

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