Iron Clad Chuckle Nuts

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The group walked even deeper into the heart of the fortress  "fifteen apples for a dollar," A voice cried out in the middle of the busy street. The sun was setting in the distance and the streets thinning of the day crowd. They walked to almost city centre when a iron clad man carrying a war if 1812 style musket fired a shot into the air and screamed loudly "I duel you!" he shouted at a tall thin man carrying a bag of groceries. The tall man looked left and right confused then took off running, the mad musketeer  fired and took off someones ear then follow the man around the corner. "holy shat!" Jeff shouted, "this place is nuts for nut jobs," Mel said stunned at what just happened. The group of new comers walked until they saw the half destroyed sign that said over night stays only. "Hi for four please," Jeff said "One dollar please" the lady said, "One dollar?" he responded she just nodded and he handed her a dollar. They got the room key and walked to the stairs picked up the dogs and walked up ten flights of stairs. No one said anything until morning. 

In the same order as usual they woke up and fed the dogs, a lady banged on the door "Food is in city centre," She said. They looked at each other confused as though they had ever heard of a communal buffet. They fed the dogs and left them in the room with water, "What on earth, is it first come first serve style?" Ally said. Probably said Jeff running out the door. They ran down the stairs and followed the people in front of them to city centre. "There is that crazy musket guy," Ally said pointing at the man standing on top of a massive food pile. "One piece per person two for children, you know the rules," He bumbled on. Then everyone ran to the food and started taking food. As the food ran out the man standing on top got off and ran up into a tower Steven followed him with his eyes all the way up to the roof. "Who are they?" Steven asked, everyone in the nearby area stopped, "He is our king, and those are his clowns," The man snarled.

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