I Can't Believe It's Not Butter

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Iceland walked into the empty house with a content sigh. It was blissfully quiet and he could do whatever he wanted.

This was quite a relief after being at his boyfriend Hong Kong's house, which was full of shouting, as his family was fairly loud.

But at last he was home. He made himself a sandwich, grabbed some licorice and two cans of Coke, and allowed himself to fall onto the sofa, turning on the tv.

It was but ten minutes later when the door burst open with a loud bang.


Iceland sighed. There was Denmark.

"Yeah. I can see you weren't. Where were you?" he responded.

"AWWW WERE YOU WORRIED?!" he heard the Dane shout, still in the door.

"Of course not. I was hoping you were gonna be away longer. You didn't answer my question. Where did you go?"

"Oh, just out drinking a bit."

"A-all of you?"

"Well of course Sweden didn't. He's our driver. Finland is...I honestly don't even know."

"You don't sound drunk."

"Didn't get a lot of beer." He didn't sound happy about that. "We had to leave early."


It was then Iceland realized he had left out one person in his update.

"Sh-what happened to Norway?"

Denmark walked into the living room. He had both arms around Norway, helping to keep the other man upright as they stumbled into the room together.

"He drank a lot. Really fast."

"Denmark." Iceland took a deep breath. "WHY DID YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?"

"Well I-" he stopped as Norway's head jerked up slightly and a mumble was heard.

"Wait," Iceland said. "Is he awake?"

Denmark stared at him. "Well yeah." He dragged Norway over to the couch, where the man promptly collapsed, partially on Iceland. His head lolled to the side and he attempted to look up at his younger brother.

Iceland stared down at his highly intoxicated brother. His eyes were dull and it could easily be told that they weren't focused at all. Even the little curl on the side of his head seemed to show his drunkenness, as it drooped upside down, hardly bobbing around like usual.

Norway had a large, loopy grin on his face as he squinted at Iceland. Seeming to finally figure out who he was (partially) on top of, he somehow smiled even wider.

"Heeeeej Ishlthnd!"

"What did you even say just now you dumbass?"

"I-I shaid heeeey..." Norway frowned as he again attempted to make his heavy tongue form the word "Iceland."

Denmark watched Norway attempt to speak. Laughing, he walked into the kitchen, muttering something about how the Norwegian couldn't hold his liquor.

Iceland glanced up as the Dane disappeared, then looked back at his brother, whose face was screwed up in concentration as he continued to try to form words.

"Ish-Isch-Issl-" he let out a small grunt as he seemingly gave up.

"You-your name is-is tooooo hardda say. Uhhhhh..." Iceland was sure that Norway was gonna say more, but he seemed to forget what it was. Iceland shifted his body slightly, causing Norway to slump over a bit more, his head falling farther to the side.

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