Germany's Birthday Party

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Italy couldn't wait for Germany to get home. He waited anxiously by the front door, bouncing on his toes. Prussia was chasing the dogs around the house, and Austria was yelling at Prussia to calm down. Switzerland was standing in the corner of the room, glaring at everyone with one hand on his rifle, while Liechtenstein stood next to him with a happy smile on her face as she commented on everything that was happening.

"Look big brother! Prussia just tripped Japan, then caught him like in those movies!"


"Now Japan is yelling at him about Canada!"


"Oh and there's Romano! Oh, he still hasn't escaped the chains yet. Poor Romano, being dragged here by Italy."

"Mm. Spain will probably come save him sooner or later," the Swiss man replied as he glared down the Austrian sitting across the room.

"GUYS! GUYS HERE HE COMES!!" Italy shouted, quieting everyone immediately. Germany walked through the door, where Italy tackled him in a hug while shouting, "SURPRISE!"

Everyone else shouted the same halfheartedly, save for Prussia who exclaimed it with too much enthusiasm, and Liechtenstein, who was just too quiet to be heard.

There was a grunt from Germany as he fell to the floor, Italy landing on top of him with a grin. "Ve~! Look Germany! Prussia got you a new dog!! And look look! There's wurst and beer and I even made you a cake!!" The Italian yammered on and on, showing off the cake he had made. It was slightly crooked and looked a little odd, but Germany, not wanting to disappoint Italy, took a small slice of it and set it on a plate. Of course, (almost) everyone sang Happy Birthday first.

Taking the first bite of the cake, as he was the "birthday boy" as Prussia so eloquently put it, Germany's face instantly contorted into a grimace of sorts as he swallowed the bite with difficulty.

"Italy...what was in that cake?"

"I made you a pasta cake! I thought you would like it!" Italy said, joyfully eating two pieces in quick succession, everyone else staring dumbfounded, except for Romano.

Germany sighed. "It's good Italy, but I am just thirsty right now."

"Oh!" Italy exclaimed. "Ok! We have beer and water and soda and I think this is wine and I don't know what this is but I bet it's good!"

Germany took a beer, and everyone began to "mingle" again.

The tall blonde walked into his kitchen, intending on getting a small sandwich to eat, and almost screamed. The kitchen was a mess.


"Yeees?" Italy said innocently, poking his head in.

"Look at this mess!"

"I know. Prussia is in charge of cleaning it up!" And Italy raced away again. Germany facepalmed, before looking around at the disarray.

"I give up."

He walked out to the living room, where Prussia was having a drinking contest with...Belgium? He hadn't noticed her earlier. Then he saw that Netherlands and Spain were also there, and Romano was unchained, and sulking in a corner.

"Spaaaaaain can we go home yet you bastard?"

"No Roma, we are celebrating! Besides I think Belgium might beat out Prussia!"

Germany looked over at the two, who were sitting on the floor with a multitude of bottles and cans around them. Oh no.

"I AMMM ZE AWESOME PRUSSIAAA!!" Prussia shouted. He glared at Belgium as they both chugged another beer, swaying slightly. Letting out a large hiccup, Prussia turned to Germany, yelled, "HAPPY CHRISTMAS WEST WHAT ARE YOU DRESSED UP AS??" and then passed out, while Austria watched him, rubbing his face in exasperation.

"I will be going now. Happy birthday, Germany," the Austrian said politely, and then walked out the door.

"Let's go," Switzerland said to Liechtenstein.

"But big brother, the party isn't over! And we didn't talk to Germany and tell him happy birthday!"

Switzerland sighed and walked over to the tall German, who was attempting to converse with the hyperactive, slightly drunk Italian before him.

"Germany, we are leaving now. Happy birthday, and if your brother needs to be shot, I left my gun for you."

"I have his other one!" Liechtenstein said proudly, and the two left. Netherlands grabbed a mumbling Belgium and just walked away, and Spain and Romano followed them.

"Happy birthday Germany!"

"Happy birthday, potato bastard. I hope my stupid brother's cake makes you sick."

Germany sighed. "Thank you Spain, Romano."

He sat on the sofa, leaning back and sighing. It was much quieter now.

Then Italy came and jumped onto the sofa next to him, snuggling into the taller man's arms.

"Did you like the party Germany? I planned it all by myself!"

Germany looked down at Italy, who was grinning and looked extremely proud.

"Ja, I loved it Italy. Thank you."

Japan stealthily took some pictures before coming out from behind the wall.

"Ah...Germany...would you like some help cleaning?"

Germany looked down at Italy, who had fallen asleep, and Prussia, who was still passed out on the floor.

"Yes, Japan, that would be great. Best birthday present I have gotten today."

"Don't worry Germany, Italy has much more planned."

He looked down at the sleeping Italian.

"Great," he said, a small smile gracing his features.

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