Chapter 15 - "Hello Momzilla"

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"Mummy! Daddy! Wake Up!! I big boy now!" Winter yelled jumping on the bed.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I groaned and shook Dylan awake. He pushed my hand away which only caused me to chuckle. I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

Winter threw himself onto me and squeezed my neck so tight I began coughing.

"Winter let mummy go," Dylan groggily said.

"Get up daddy!" Winter yelled using Dylan's stomach as a drum kit. Dylan moaned in annoyance but sat up anyway.

"Big boy!" he yelled posing. Dylan and I looked at each other and began laughing.

"Hi my wonderful big boy!" Dylan exclaimed tackling him on the bed.

"I can't believe you're four years old already," I said beginning to tear up. It felt like just yesterday I was giving birth to him. Soon he was going to grow and forget all about his mummy.

"Don't cry mumma," he wrapped his arms around me while Dylan wiped my tears away.

"Let's get you ready so you can go to Holly's, okay baby?"

"Okay mummy."


"I have twenty five items on this list and I need all of it," I said out loud while Dylan and Eleanor stood beside me.

"Hello Momzilla," Eleanor mumbled.

"I am not a- okay maybe I am," their look of disbelief could even convince  me that I was one. I just took some things more seriously than others.

"Let's go give my baby the best birthday ever!" I yelled before speed walking into the store.

"How is it you can be so calm planning a party for the biggest celebrites ever but go berserk for your son's party?"

"My son is my celebrity and celebrities are just regular people."

"Take me back to three weeks ago, that party was the bomb!" Eleanor exclaimed.

"But this party will be better," I stated glaring at her.

"Alright Momzilla, what do we need to get?" Dylan asked.

"I've separated the list into three sections based on food, decorations and gifts. I'll do decorations, Dylan you will do food and Elle you've got gifts. We'll meet back in this spot in T-minus twenty minutes. Clear?"

"Crystal," Eleanor said snatching the list out of my hand.

Dylan and I walked toward the aisles we needed, our hands occasionally brushing.

"Alright I'll see you in 19 minutes," I told him walking into aisle seven.

"Yes sir!"

I picked out everything from garland to tablecloths to five feet balloons. I wanted this day to go perfectly if I was going to have a house full of kids. I had the game schedule all mapped out, and costumes all laid out at home.

I decided to throw Winter a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle party. Which meant I had to buy more costumes for the other kids. Luckily I did that in advance.

"Food is at your service m'lady," I turned around just in time for Dylan to give me a kiss. I looked at the cart and my eyes widened in horror at what I saw in front of me.

"Raisin bread? You got raisin bread!"

"What? Everyone loves raisin bread."

"These are three and four year olds Dylan, they sure as hell don't like raisins! I don't even-"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"-like raisins! Have you- wait? What? Did you just? In the middle of my? Oh."

"That's it, just oh?"

"I mean, yes. Yes! I'll be your girlfriend!" He grinned from ear to ear and wrapped his arms around me.

"But seriously, we need to change that bread because I'm pretty sure Winter will cry just looking at it."

"Gosh, I love you."


"Okay don't get mad but I invited Harry," I heard Eleanor say from behind. I slowly turned to face her and she gave me a forced smile.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because well- you see um- look I don't know, I just felt like he should be here. He does care about Winter. Plus he's bringing Lux so look, techinically I invited Lux and not really him."

"I'm holding in my desire to scream at you but today is about Winter so I'm just gonna ignore it and finishing putting food on this tray."

I turned back around as she sighed and walked away. It was already bad enough I had ten kids running around my house so far and now someone I could have had a potential relationship with is coming over. I was slowly going to loose my mind. My life has never been this crazy.

"Hey babe, how are you holding up?" I heard Dylan asked as he grabbed a piece of cheese off the tray. I glared at him before answering.

"I'm doing just fine, thank you."

"You look like you could use a drink or two," he said grabbing yet another piece of cheese.

"How about five and we could call it a day," I responded as the bell rung.

"Stop eating the cheese!" I exclaimed putting the tray in his hands and walking to the front door.

"BOYS!" I yelled in excitment as I saw all the guys standing there.

"Ayee Red, how're you deary?" Niall asked giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm good, come in come in," each one of them stepped inside giving me a hug. Harry was the last one of them, holding Lux in his arms.

"Uh hi Harry," I said acknowledging him. I knew I had to be mature about this.

"Hey Alice, I hope it's okay that I'm here. I know we didn't end on good terms at the party."

"It's fine, glad you could make it," as Marianne Williamson said there is no peace without forgiveness.


"Mrs. Jackson! Mrs. Jackson!" one of Winter's friends yelled running to me.

"How can I help you Nolan?" I asked bending down to his height.

"Where's the bathroom, I gotta go potty."

"Come on big boy, I'll take you to it," I said picking him up.

"Woo hoo!" he chuckled.

"It's good to see you Harry," I told him, this time being honest to both myself and him.

"You too Alice."

Let's pray today goes well. 


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