Chapter 14 - "Partially?"

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Merry Christmas, I know this is way over due. I highly apologize for the lateness. It's been very hectic lately. Anyway, I hope you all quite enjoy xx


I never fully appreciated silence until my son came along. I longed for the absence of noise since then. So when my phone rang at 10am after finally having the house to myself, to say I was upset was understatement.


"Hey Alice, please don't get upset at me. I know I said that you didn't have to come in tonight for obvious reasons but I really need you here. Steven accidentally stapled his hand and well he had to be rushed to the hospital. You're the only one who knows fully how the decorations go besides me and I can't do it alone," Marrissa's voice echoed through the phone.

Through my situation with Harry, she had been really understanding. Because of her, I thankfully haven't seen him in weeks. I work when the guys aren't scheduled to be there or I come in after they leave. Thanks to her, I still have a job and I'm not forced to see someone I'm not exactly fond of.

Tonight was different though, tonight I was supposed to be there but she let me off. Today marked the official day before touring starts, which only meant one thing. There was a party, and not just any party. It was the party we've been planning all these weeks.

"I'll be there," I responded.

"Thanks Al, I owe you big time."

"No you don't M, you're my boss and I'm you're employee. At the end of the day, you tell me what to do."

"I know, but I also know what you're going through. So I'll see you at five, yeah?"

"Yeah," I replied before hanging up. I groaned, I was doing good at avoiding Harry so far before today.

"UGH!" I screamed into my pillow though no one was home to hear me. I got out of bed and turned on the tub. Maybe a nice hot bath would be nice. I lit some candles and went down to get a glass of wine. I just needed some time to relax before the boys got home.

The hot water against my skin felt amazing. It was like every pain in my muscles just released. I heard the front door slam and new that my time alone has now come to an end.

"Alice?" I heard Dylan call out.

"In the tub!" I responded.

"Can I come in the bathroom or?"

"Yeah it's fine. You can't see anything with all the bubbles and besides even if you could you've already seen me naked so it shouldn't matter."

"I know but I also wanna respect your privacy," he said coming in and sitting on the floor beside the tub.

"There's no such thing as privacy when you have a child."

"Yeah you're right."

"Speaking of children, where's Winter?"

"He fell asleep in the car so I carried him to his bed."

"Marissa called me."

"Oh no, you have to go in don't you."

"Yeah unfortunately."

"We can go too. Winter and I can dress up and be your dates."


"Yeah totally," he said playing with my hair. I looked at him and studied his face before kissing him. He stood still for a moment not knowing how to react before letting himself kiss me back. It brought butterflies into my stomach. I forgot how much I felt when I kissed him. This was the first time since he left that our lips were touching.

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