You charged on in
With many a shout
Grabbed me with love
And pulled me back out--
(AN: These two poems are dedicated to one and only Meghan. You are the Kog'Maw to my Anivia, and much like the character you once wrote about, you have the biggest heart of gold I have ever had the pleasure of unearthing. I will cuddle you forever. Thank you for staying in my life. You are my knight, my champion, and you fight my demons with love and cuddles and friendship (and the flag). Wear that cape with pride, little one. Words will never express how deeply and unconditionally I love you.)
A Work In Progress
PoetryThis is merely a collection of poetry that I decided to start. It contains works I've completed and will be added to as the year progresses. I wanted to see if I could write a poem a week, which will be especially interesting considering my fluctuat...