Chapter 4: "Well I ruined that moment"

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I was woken up when the weight of a body landed on my stomach. I groaned. “What do you want? Go away.” I mumbled.

I heard snickering. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Cory on my stomach and Luke and Michael in the doorway.

I rolled over and pulled Cory down with me. “NO!” he screamed.

“What? You don’t want to sleep with your big sister?” I teased him.

“No!” he said half-heartedly.

I giggled. “Yes you do.”

I guess he would have been a momma’s boy. If he had a mum, of course. “How’d you sleep?” I asked him.

I was answered by Luke. “He’s a crazy sleeper. Dreams a lot.”

I had forgotten that they were there. I looked to Michael and Luke, then back to Cory. Then I looked around the room. It wasn’t much, but to me it was beautiful. I’m the type of girl who see’s beauty in the little things. I always have. My father was like that.

Cory got up from bed with his hand in mine and attempted to pull me out of bed. “Luke—help me!” Cory grunted.

Luke grabbed my hand and our eyes made contact. I quickly looked away. “Michael! You lazy bum! Get her legs!” Luke ordered.

Michael did what he was told and took hold of both of my legs. I pretended to be dead and went limp. They were going to have to carry me all the way downstairs.

Luke and Cory dragged me out of bed head first. Unfortunately, Cory isn’t strong to carry me, so my head hit the floor with a loud bang. I resisted the urge to groan. “Sorry Alana.” Cory giggled.

“Cory, I’ll get her arms, you can get her middle.” Luke says.

Cory went around and grabbed on to my shirt and together, the three of them lifted me down the stairs. Besides Luke almost falling down the stairs, it was a surprisingly not very bumpy ride.

Soon, they dumped me on the couch and observed me. I could smell the scent of food wafting from the kitchen and decided that this was a good time to “come back from the dead.”

I put my arms up in front of me, opened my eyes wide, and sat up strait. “And she lives!” Michael exclaims.

“Is that food I smell?” I said as I got up and started walking to the kitchen. I still felt like in an intruder in their home, but the four boys made us feel welcome. As I walk into the kitchen, Ashton says, “Yes it is! It’s toast with Vegemite!”

“Food.” Cory said in a trance as Ashton handed him a piece.

Calum chuckled as he came around the corner. “Where’ve you been?” Luke asked him.

Calum held up his phone in response. He sat in the chair beside me looking down at his phone. I quickly finished the piece of toast Ashton had given me and walked back up to the room where I was staying in. No one asked where I was going. I quickly got dressed in an old purple bouse and jeans. I grabbed my purse then went back downstairs. “Where are you going?” Michael asked me as I grabbed hold the door handle.

I turned to face him. “Job hunting.”

“Good, we’ll come with you.” Ashton said.

“That’s okay. I can go—“

“Just give us a minute to get changed.” Calum added.

I walked out of the door with five boys behind me. Today was not going to be successful.

We walked around for hours picking up job applications from any place that was hiring. One place stood out above the others though. It was the Medusa Greek Taverna where my mum had once worked. I had only been in it a few times, but I knew I loved it. I’m not sure if I could handle working the same place she did, but I would choose it over the others.

Soon the day came to an end. On the walk home, we had stopped by an ice cream shop and Cory had begged that we go in. I bought him a cone of chocolate ice cream and he ate it happily as he skipped down the sidewalk.

Ashton and Calum ran to catch up with him and Michael was a few yards down probably messaging Camila. That means I was left with Luke. “He’s a good kid you know.” It was the first time Luke had spoken to me since we had left the house.

I looked over to him and nodded. “I know.”

There was a pause before he said, “He doesn’t deserve anything that happened to him. Neither of you do.”

I blinked a few times in attempt to make the tears go back down that were threating to spill. “I—I don’t really want to talk about it.” I answered him finally.

“I know, but I want to know, that even though we don’t really know you, we’re here to support you.”

“We don’t want pity.” I snapped at him.

His eyes met mine. Well, I ruined that moment. A wave of sadness passed over his face. Then, understanding? I’m not sure what passed between us, but after that, I went to Luke for everything. Especially, if I needed someone to talk to.

Turns out that Luke Hemmings isn’t as shy as people think he is.


Hey guys! Sorry that this is really short!

I needed to update and I've been REALLY busy! Dont' forget to Vote, Fan, Comment, and if you like my work, Follow! Thanks so much!

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