Chapter 9: "We're going to a fashion show"

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(A/N: The main POV for this story is Alana. If you’re confused about whose it is for a chapter and it doesn’t say that its Luke’s POV, Ashton’s POV, etc. then its Alana’s.)


I heard a loud ringing and a pounding sound on the door. My eyes fluttered open. I was on top of Luke, my head against his chest, our breathing in sync. I could hear the rhythm of his heartbeat against my ear.

“Luke,” I whispered. Slowly, his eyelids fluttered open. “I think someone’s here.” I giggled.

His eyes grew large realizing that he had fallen asleep with me last night. He released me from his arms and I made my way to the restroom out in the hall. Once I was finished, I walked back to my room. I heard commotion downstairs. There was definitely someone here.

I pushed the door open to find Luke gone from his place. I guess I would go greet whoever it was at the door by myself. I bounded down the stairs. Out of nowhere, Luke was behind me again. He had a large grin on his face. “What are you so happy about?” I asked him.

“More like, who I’m happy for.

“Who’s that?”

He didn’t answer me. The two girls in the front door answered my question. One, a shorter girl with long brown hair was embracing Michael and had her lips locked tight with his. The other, was in a friendly conversation with Ashton. A sleepy Calum came from around the corner trying to look as alive as possible.

“Camila!” Luke exclaimed. So that’s who it was; Camila, Michael’s girlfriend, and Lauren, Ashton’s crush. Crush. Things could get interesting. Luke hugged Lauren and Camila tight and I found myself getting jealous. I coughed awkwardly. Michael and Camila drew away from each other. “Alana, this is Camila and Lauren. They’re the ones in the cover we showed you. Fifth—“

“Harmony,” I finished for him, “You guys are amazing!”

Lauren and Camila both held out a hand and I shook it. “Thank you so much!” Camila exclaimed. She seemed hyper for just traveling over the ocean.

“How long are you guys going to be here for?” Michael asked, still excited. 

“Well, Camila was only supposed to come at first, but I decided to come along.” Lauren said as she gave Ashton a sidelong glance.

Michael had an arm wrapped around Camila protectively. He chuckled. “So how long will you be here?”

Lauren chuckled as well realizing that she hadn’t given us an answer. “We’ll be here for about a week and a half.” Camila announced.

“Great! Where are your bags?” Ashton asked.

“At the hotel,” Lauren told him.

Michael and Ashton’s faces had an expression of disappointment, anger, and sadness all at once, which I had a hard time reading.

“Why don’t you guys stay here?” Calum suggested.

“Yeah, you guys can have the guest room. I’ll take the couch.”

“No! You don’t have to do that!” Camila insisted.

I looked her and Lauren in their eyes determined and ready to argue. Lauren had memorizing green orbs, whereas Camila had sparkling brown ones—focus Alana! This is not the time to be comparing eyes.

“It’s fine,” Luke butted in. “Alana, you can have my bed. I’ll take the couch.”

“Luke…” I began to argue.

“I’m serious.”

A half asleep Cory padded slowly to Ashton, who scooped him up. “I almost forgot about you, big guy. This is Cory.” Ashton introduced him.

“He’s my brother.” I added. Cory’s eyes closed and I thought he had fallen asleep again. “Say ‘Hi’ Cory.” I instructed. He waved lazily and I frowned.

“It’s fine,” Lauren told me, “he’s sleepy.”

I was so intrigued by their accents. They were so… different. Cute even. I patted Cory’s back and he transitioned from Ashton’s arms to mine. I could feel his even breathing and knew that he was going to fall asleep again. “Want some breakfast?” I whispered in his ear. He nodded his head.

I excused myself and walked into the kitchen where I made him a bowl of cereal. Luke followed us, and took a seat next to Cory, who was munching loudly on the small pieces of cereal inside of his mouth. “They seem really nice.” I whispered.

“They are. Michael and Camila really love each other. The distance thing has been hard on them, but they pull through it. That was sweet of Lauren to come too. I have a feeling that the only reason she came was because of Ashton though.” Luke chuckled.

“We have to set them up!” I squealed quietly.

Luke gave me a small smile. “We have a week-and-a-half.”

I held up my hand and he gave me a high-five. Luke got up out of his chair and told us that he would be right back. Out of the blue, Cory asked, “Do you like Luke?”

“What?” but I did know what he meant. Did I like Luke? That’s something that I don’t know the answer to. “I don’t know.” I told him.

“I think you like him. I think he likes you too.”

I laughed a bit. “How do you even know what it means to ‘like’ someone anyway? I didn’t teach you that.”

“Calum taught me that—oops.” I frowned, “I wasn’t supposed to tell you that.”

I shrugged. Oh, well. Luke came back holding something behind his back. I got butterflies when he started to approach us. Cory piped up. “What’s that?!”

He put the object on the table so that we could both see it. It was envelope. “What is it?” I asked, confused.

Luke opened up the envelope to reveal seven tickets to the Sydney Fashion Week Show. Wait, seven?! “Why seven—“ I stopped myself, “You knew Lauren and Camila were coming didn’t you? And how did you get these? You can only be invited to the show I thought.”

Cory frowned. “I thought it was going to be something cool.”

“Yeah, me too.” I said, my palms becoming sweaty. I was going to be doing a fashion show in front of people that I knew now. I’m going to have to work extra hard not to humiliate myself.

“Actually, me and Calum knew they were coming.” Luke chuckled. “Guys, come here!” he shouted to the other room. Five people came into the kitchen making it eight of us. It made the space feel a little too small for my taste.

“What’s wrong Luke?” asked Ashton. Calum had a smile plastered across his face and Michael just looked confused.

“We’re going to a fashion show.” Luke announced.

“What?! When?” Camila and Lauren practically screamed. Recognition settled onto Michael and Ashton’s faces. They both knew what fashion show it was.

“Tomorrow night. It’s for Sydney Fashion Week.” Calum explained.

“Wait, why are we going?” Lauren asked no one in particular.

“Because,” Calum said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of my seat, “she’ll be in the fashion show.”

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