September 13th

32 3 0

Twinkle twinkle little star, why don't you tell me how you are?

I feel empty, like there is nothing inside of me

I've been off my schedule, I have to stay awake

But I want to lay down again and wonder what could have been

I want to forget the fact that everything could come crashing down at any moment

I want to know you are okay.

Why so vauge? Tell me how you feel.

I am jealous of you, sometimes I want to rip you apart. But then I remember how perfect you are.

Then I remember how horrible I am.

I don't have a sense of humor.

Will I regret what I did?


I miss talking to you.

Tell me the truth. Stop treating me differently than before.

Why does punching you in the face sound so beautiful right now? I know I will regret it, but why?

Please stop.

Please start.

Please listen.

Oh please.

Twinkle twinkle little star, how come your mind is so far?

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