Chapter 2

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The bell for lunch rang and I bolted out of class. Sadly, before I could make it down the hallway, Lynz grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked, tapping his foot and glaring at me. Frightened looking ninth graders ran past us, running to their lockers.

"Out for lunch." I shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant.

"With who?"

"Someone.." I bit my lip and looked at the clock that hung above a sea of blue lockers.


"Okay, okay! Fine! I'm going out for lunch with Frank!" I admitted, trying to pull away from his grasp. "Can I go now? He's waiting for me." I bit my lip and continued to pull away.

"Wait, Jamia's ex boyfriend Frank?" Lynz asked, dropping my hand, mouth hanging open in shock.

"Yeah! Uh bye!" I rushed away, trying to get to the doors before all of the smokers made their way there and took Frank away from me. Once I had made it outside, Frank was sat by a tree, leaning up against it and taking a drag from the cigarette between his fingers. I smiled and made my way over to him. As I approached him, a small smile made its way to his lips and he waved.

"Hey, Gerard." He smiled lazily and held out the package of cigarettes, offering one to me. I politely declined, just in case Lynz decided to sneak up on me again. Sneaky bugger, I mumbled to myself.

"So, uh, are we going to go out for lunch?" I tilted my head, collecting my hands together at the front of my skirt. I excitedly bounced up and down on my heels, hoping he hadn't forgotten.

"Yeah, yeah. Where do you wanna go?" He asked, offering his arm to me. I took it and giggled slightly, earning a smile from the smaller punk boy.


We arrived back at my house, and found our way downstairs to my room. We were alone talking about comic books, when I heard a knock at the door. I rushed up stairs, excusing myself and letting Frank look at whatever he liked. When I reached the door, I saw a pissed off Lynz. I groaned and opened the door, leaning on it so Lynz couldn't get through. "What are you doing here?" I whined.

"Does he know you're not a girl, Gee?" He asked, placing his hand on his hip and raising his left eyebrow.

"Y-yeah, yeah of course he does why?" I asked, earning a sigh of relief from Lynz. He gently patted my shoulder and vacated the premises, leaving Frank and I to ourselves again. I turned around on my heel, to find Frank standing a couple metres behind me. "Oh. Hi." I said gently, adding a small smile to be friendly.

"Y-you know I'm not doing this just to have sex with you.. R-right?" Frank nervously spat out, itching the back of his head.

"Yeah.. I was never under the impression that we were going to have sex.." I said, a hint of confusion in my tone. Is this why Lynz asked if he knew I was a boy? "You do know I'm a-"

"Yeah. I-it's kinda obvious." He nodded. "B-but I'm not straight.." He looked down, ashamed.

"Woah, woah, don't be embarrassed, I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. I giggled lightly, "I'm not straight either."

"I-I know.." He mumbled into my shoulder, hugging me back. "Y-you told me when we walked to school."

The room was silent for a couple more minutes, and Frank never let go of my embrace. "Hey Gerard?" He whispered out.

"Mhm?" I responded, looking down at him.

"I really like your hugs." Frank nodded, nuzzling his head between my neck and my shoulder. My face suddenly went beat red, earning a slight laugh and warm smile from Frank. "You're always blushing around me, 'dunno why, but it's cute." He smiled, closing his eyes.

"Hey, Frankie, I know that you're really comfortable and all." I began, "but if we don't get a move on, we're gonna miss class." Frank shook his head and began pulling me towards the stairs.

"Sleep." He cooed, trying to pull me down the stairs without falling.

"Frank we can't sleep, we have school."

"Skip." He yawned, pulling me down the stairs successfully and down on my bed.

"Frank I just met you, I don't think-" before I could finish my sentance, the small punk boy was fast asleep on my chest. I sighed. "Well, make yourself at home then."

Frank's POV

I woke up next to the pretty red haired boy I had just met today. You'd think it'd be weird that I had decided to sleep in this boy who I've just met's house. I may not have spoken to him, but I see him watching me at lunch, I see him looking at me during art, and I really haven't had friends since Jamia and I broke up. Was this probably moving too fast in a friendship? Most likely. Was this probably going to end too fast due to my douchebaggery? Most likely. Do I have feelings for Gerard? Doubtful. I don't think I'm straight, well at least that's what I had told Gerard. I don't think I'm gay, though. Bi curious thought? Debatable. Very, very debatable.

The taller boy's eyes blinked open, his long eyelashes kissing each other has he awoke from his sleep. "Mm, Frank what time is it?"

"Time for pretty-in-punk boy to leave." I heard a feminine voice call from a dark area of the room. The figure made its way into the light, confusing me and scaring me a little bit too. How had I not realized someone was there? I heard Gerard groan and shove his head into the crook of my neck.

"Lynz get out." He grumbled, then realized where his head was, pulling his head away, a red tint covering his face.

"Did you two fuck?" The newly named figure, Lynz, responded. What the fuck? Why would we fuck?

"No! God damn it Lynz!" Gerard threw a pillow at the character. "We didn't have sex, we didn't kiss, we fell asleep. I'm sorry, you can leave now." Gerard groaned.

Lynz, stared at me, making sure he wasn't lying. "U-uh yeah he's right. I wouldn't have sex with anyone right after meeting them, anyways." I said, scratching my the back of my neck and sitting up. I guess my statement was hilarious, because Lynz became hysterical. They started laughing harder than I've ever seen someone laugh, and then it hit me. "Wait hold on, Lindsey?" I asked. That's who Jamia's best friend was when we were dating, they were attached by the hip.

"Lynz, it's Lynz" they gritted out. Lynz emerged further and I noticed that their chest was flat and they were wearing a tie. Strange. "I'm a boy Frank."

Oh shit.

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