Hallowbeeb part 2

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"Happy birthday Frankie!" Gerard screamed out as his best friend burst through the door.

Gerard ran over to the small boy and jumped onto him in a hug, wrapping his arms around him. Frank stumbled back a little, a large smile plastered on his face and his eyes tightly shut. He held onto the door for support and once he had regained his balance he hugged Gerard back, squeezing him tight.

Since Frank's father and him didn't really get along, he hadn't really had the best morning trying to get to Gerard's house, but he was happy that he was now here and he could properly celebrate his birthday.

The boys made their way into the kitchen after Frank had closed the door and Gerard had gotten off of him. They opened the many boxes of small chocolate bars and little packets of marshmallows and dumped them into a large bowl for the trick or treaters to take. The bowl was orange and had tiny black pumpkins lining the outside. They placed the bowl on a chair by the door and ran downstairs, Frank leaping onto Gerard's back, forcing the older boy to carry him downstairs. Once they got downstairs, Gerard and Frank began to discuss tattoos, and how Frank really wanted some, but due to his father not earning enough and him not having a job, he couldn't afford it. So, Gerard came up with an idea.

"Take your shirt off Frank." Gerard said abruptly, taking Frank off guard.

"Oh-uh, I didn't know we were doing that right now but uh okay." Frank said, a slight question in his voice.

"No, you asshole." Gerard giggled out. "I want to draw the tattoos on you with my sharpies so it'll look like you got some." Gerard smiled wide.

Frank immediately removed his shirt with excitement and looked at Gerard, his smile so wide he looked like a little kid in a candy shop.

"Where do you want me?" Frank asked, looking at Gerard, bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Uh, wherever, really." Gerard shrugged and watched as Frank turned around and pointed to an area on his back.

"I want a jack-o-lantern here with the words 'keep the faith',okay?" Frank asked and waited for a response.

Gerard nodded even though Frank couldn't see him and placed the tip of the black sharpie against his skin. Frank almost shuddered but caught himself before it was too late, he hoped that he hadn't made Gerard screw up. Gerard didn't make any noise of disapproval so he assumed he hadn't fucked up. Or, fucked up too bad.

They sat there for an hour, Gerard doodling along Frank's bare skin. He had a lot more sharpie tattoos now, the small pictures and pieces of art littering Frank's pale skin.

Gerard lead him to the bathroom, picking up a hand mirror off his desk on the way there. The excited boy pulled Frank to the mirror, resting his chilly hands gently against the boy's naked shoulders.

"Wow, Gee." Frank smiled, letting his hands roam over his new tattoos. "I love them so much." Frank gasped out as Gerard let go of his shoulder and placed the hand mirror behind Frank so that he could see his back tattoo.

Frank turned around and pulled Gerard into a hug, spinning him around the bathroom and accidentally falling into the bathtub. Gerard fell on top of Frank, straddling his waist, while Frank was uncomfortably stuck in the bathtub. The two boys laughed, their joy and love filling the room, each laugh bubbling out of Gerard making Frank fall for him harder.

The laughter eventually faded and Gerard leaned down to kiss Frank, Frank immediately fluttering his eyes closed and leaning up to kiss him back. Once their lips touched, Frank gently placed his sharpie covered fingers on Gee's jaw, gently cupping it in his hand. They sat there before Gerard pulled away, smiling like a dork.

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