Chapter 10

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Frank sat up, stretching his arms and groaning.

"'Right then Gee, I better get home." Frank yawned and looked at the clock, it read 10:43pm.

Frank had spent the rest of the day with Gerard, mainly napping on each other and making out. Well kind of, one of them would usually fall asleep during the kiss and then napping, repeating the process. Gerard groaned.

"Do you have to go?"

"Yeah, sorry. My dad will kill me. He hasn't seen me in two weeks." Frank frowned.

Gerard groaned and got up, offering a hand to Frank and then pulling him up. As Gerard had pulled up the smaller boy, their faces became inches away from each other. Frank leaned in slowly, gently pressing his lips to Gerard's and gently setting his hand on Gerard cheek. His thumb gently rubbing Gerard's cheek as Gerard began to kiss back. They hadn't been able to have a moment together since they got home, since Lynz had been there all day. Far too soon for both of their liking, Frank pulled away and just looked in Gerard's eyes that were fluttering open. They smiled lazily and pull each other into a loving embrace and Frank began laughing.

"What's so funny?" Gerard asked, a confused look over shadowing his face.

"I just really, really like you." Frank smiled and planted a kiss on Gerard's cheek. "I'll see you later, Gee." Frank waved, sliding both of his hands in his pockets and then making his way upstairs.

Gerard thought for a few minutes after Frank had left. Frank had seen Gerard without his skirts, his pretty dresses and makeup. He had seen him almost dead in a hospital, blood covered and dead inside at the school. Frank had seen him almost naked, had seen him in the worst pain of his life, yet he still decided to stick by Gerard's side. This confused him. He had only known this boy for a few weeks, but they had gone through so much together. Gerard was sure that it was just Frank's bad timing, because this was going to happen eventually. But would have he survived? Gerard's parents and brother couldn't come to the hospital much, work and school were so heavy on them that when they had time they would fall asleep in the hospital. Frank stayed there. His dad begged him to come home, he didn't eat, he barely slept, all because he knew that Gerard couldn't make it on his own. It wasn't that Gerard wasn't strong, we had determined this when he had slapped Frank very hard that one day in the washroom, he was just very empty. He didn't have any hope left in his body. If Frank hadn't come to the hospital and held him and talked to him as if he were awake and sitting there, Gerard would have died. He would have been killed off just like a house fly. He wouldn't have made it past the first day without Frank. He didn't hear the screams in the washroom coming from the smaller boy, but he could feel them. He knew Frank wasn't heartless, he was just afraid. He had completely opened up to Gerard, putting himself out there. Frank never had many friends, just some kids named Pete Wentz and Ray Toro. Frank never really hung out with them before. He'd go outside to the pit and smoke for a bit while everyone had lunch. He'd smoke and walk to school by himself every morning. He had planned his funeral, never his marriage. He always thought he'd die alone. Sad and alone. Maybe with 10 dogs or more. Ray and Pete would die before him, just to make his miserable. He got in fights frequently, whether it was with teachers or students, they were equally bad. He was being beaten at home for being who he is. A boy. A sad boy who liked boys but could never tell anyone because he'd get hit. Then he'd cry. He'd get hit more if he cried too loud. He would be verbally assaulted every chance his father would get. The worst part? Frank thought he deserved it. That's why he would get mad at Gerard. Gerard could so freely be himself and was only accepted. He was jealous.


Gerard's mother ordered him to bed, demanding that he needed as much rest as possible if he were going to see Frank and Lynz as much as possible. He agreed, not wanting to anger his mother. He might not have admitted it, but he was very tired.

Gerard finished brushing his teeth and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked pale, more than usual. His eyes seemed to have lost the sparkle they had before. His hair looked pink and brown now, the colour faded and splotchy. He had a small white X over a spot on his head, marking where the stitches had been and where not to scratch. He blinked a few times. Gerard had lost a part of him. It couldn't have been hope, thanks to Frank he had lots now. It couldn't have been love, Frank made sure he felt lots of that, too. What could it be?

Before Gerard got too deep, he flicked off the light and walked out of the washroom. Making his way to the bed he lay down and pulled his lame Star Wars blanket over himself. He lay in bed for a couple minutes, lonely. The bed was cold, empty. The only warmth on the bed was in between Gerard's thighs, the heat radiating off of them from rubbing together. He didn't have a boner, you creepy nerds.

Just go to sleep, Gerard. He thought to himself. And he did.

Gerard dreamed that his and Frank's roles were reversed. That he had found Frank passed out covered in blood and half dead on the school washroom floor. But this time, Gerard couldn't call 911. He couldn't lift Frank up, he was too weak. He couldn't save Frank. He had watched him bleed out until he died. There were small streaks of white and red running up his arms and instead of one blade there were several.

Gerard woke up sobbing, tears staining his cheeks. He was shaking like a chihuahua that was just exposed to cool winter air. He did what he thought was right and called Frank.

"Frankie?" Gerard sobbed out as he heard the sound of the phone being picked up.

"Fuck'n what time is it.. Gerard, you okay?" Frank sleepily asked, not completely aware.

Gerard tried to explain what was going on, but Frank couldn't make sense of any of it since Gerard was sobbing so intensely.

"Hold on Gee, I'll be right over okay? Unlock your window 'm gonna slide in through there." Frank told him and ended the call when Gerard agreed.

Frank managed to sneak out and rode his BMX bike to Gerard's house. He threw it down on the lawn and ran to Gerard's window, slipping in quite easily.

Frank found Gerard curled up in a ball in his bed, sobbing and shaking. Frank made his way over to him and wrapped his arms around Gerard.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, Gee. I'm here, you're gonna be okay." Frank shushed him and rocked him gently like he were a precious little baby.

Gerard nodded and wrapped his arms around Frank's neck, holding on to him as if he were the last person on earth.

Frank continued to hold him until Gerard stopped crying and was able to tell Frank what had happened in his dream. Frank decided it would be best if he spent the night, so he tucked himself and Gerard in and both had fallen asleep in each other's arms.


Yo! Sorry for not updating all week, I've just been really busy with school and friends. My friends and I have also started a band so we've been pretty busy working on that lately, too. But, I have committed to this FIC and I'm not gonna stop now! So here you guys go! I know it's not edited but whatever, it works!


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