Chapter 5

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It's been two days since Frank and I had made out on the beach. After it happened, we fooled around in the water a bit more, splashing and swimming as far out as we could manage. He dropped me off at home, we kissed goodbye and exchanged numbers. He hasn't texted me yet, which he promised he would do. He won't pick up my phone calls and I have no clue what's going on. My black leather docs thudded against the cold sidewalk as I made my way to school. Maybe I'd talk to him today.

The cafeteria was packed as I made my way to Frank's table. Beside Frank were two girls and a smaller punk looking boy with black hair and tanned skin. I gently tapped his shoulder, trying to get his attention. He turned around, his large grin faltered as he saw me. His face went pale and he looked like he was going to vomit. Was I repulsive?

"Uh, hi Frankie." I smiled, clutching my binders and bright pink pencil case to my chest.

"Can I help you?" He scowled, his tone almost a bark.

"I-uh, I was curious if y-you"

"No, Gerard, I don't want to go sit with you and your faggy ass friends. Go away." He growled at me.

"W-what about s-Saturday?" I whimpered, tears starting to form in my now blurry hazel eyes. "A-at the beach?" I stuttered out.

Frank laughed like I had said something funny. "That meant nothing, sweetie. Just letting out some hormones." He smirked.

"W-what?" Tears started to stain my cheeks as the whole cafeteria began to quiet down and stare at me.

"See?" Frank turned away from me, moving towards the other girl beside him and shoving his mouth against the other girls. Was I really nothing to him? Slobber began to get everywhere and his other friend started to laugh and Frank and the blonde haired girls tongues danced like ours had the other day. I stormed out of the cafeteria sobbing uncontrollably, and ran into the boys washroom. I ran straight into a dirty blue stall, slamming it behind me and locked it. It mean nothing. I meant nothing. More tears began streaming and staining down my face as I kept sobbing and shaking. Suddenly, a door slammed opened and I heard footsteps.

"Gerard? Gee?" I heard Lynz's voice call out. Oh thank God. Someone who actually cares.

"Y-yeah." I hiccuped through tears, "I-I'm here" I sobbed out, reaching over and unlocking the stall door so Lynz could come in. The door swung open and there stood my best friend, with a sad face.

"What happened?" He asked, bending down and pushing the hair off my face.

"F-Frank." I sobbed out, grabbing ahold of his shirt and sobbing desperately into it. Lynz just sighed and held me.

"I know baby, he's trouble." He soothed, running his fingers gently through my hair. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes before the bell rang. "Come on baby boy, let's get you to class." Lynz helped me up off the floor and guided me out of the washroom.

As we made it down the hallway, my tears stopped, I knew that I would look even more terrible than I already did-


Suddenly I was being thrown against an abundance of lockers, an open lock carving a line in my back. I yelled out and looked around for the culprit. It was the one and only, Frank Iero and his douchebag tiny friend.

"Hey!" Lynz looked over at them and helped me up. There was a small bloodstain on my white shirt but it really didn't matter at this time. Frank and his buddy turned around, looking at Lynz, laughing.

"What, Ballato?" Frank called from down the hall.

"What did he do to deserve that?" He yelled back, starting to make his way towards Frank.

Frank simply shrugged, still laughing. "He's a fag." Frank shrugged. A fag? I'm a fag? Excuse me you're the one who was rubbing his dick all up on mine.

"Mm, what are you then Iero?" Lynz snarled, shoving him back.

"Definitely not a fag like you and Gerard over there," he stood up taller, stalking his way back to him and shoving him.

"Hm, you're the person who had sex with let's see here me, a boy." Lynz laughed out.

"Mm, hunny you have a vagina, you were also a girl before that happened." He winked, sliding his finger down his chin and slapping Lynz across the face.

Lynz leapt on to him, pinning him to the ground and growling, "should I tell everyone about how tiny your little micro penis is?"

Frank leaned up and whispered something into Lynz's ear, making him gasp and back away, his eyes looked fearful. He ran over to me and grabbed my hand as the bell for second period rang and told everyone that they were late for class now. "We have to leave," he whispered out and dragged me way from Frank and Pete standing there smiling to themselves.

"B-but why?" I asked, looking confused.

Lynz shook his head, "reasons." And walked me back to my house.

I was home alone for about four hours before Mikey came home. I checked my back which just had a minor scrape and took a shower, checking for any other bruises. Once I had gotten out and gotten into more comfortable clothing, I went upstairs to make a snack. I heard the door creak open and voices of two boys filled the room. I turned around to see Mikey and the same boy who was shoving me into the locker with Frank earlier.

"Hey Gee!" Mikey called out excitedly, I assumed they were friends. "This is my boyfriend Pete." Mikey introduced him. The smaller boy smiled evilly and waved at me.

"U-uh okay.." I nodded, trying not to start something in front of Mikey.

"We'll be upstairs!" Mikey called, pulling Pete upstairs with him, tracking mud through the house. I sighed loudly.

"Use condoms please!" I yelled up and walked downstairs, I don't want to hear my brother getting fucked into the mattress by my school bully fuck that.

Hi again! 2 updates in less than an hour!! Wowie!! Yeah but this this just here because I probably won't be updating tomorrow since "war-wornlipstck and I are have a gay ass sleepover tomorrow k thnx bye also this wasn't edited so WOOPS sorry

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