Chapter 12

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Trigger Warning. (Suicide, self harm)
Ill give you a heads up when it's done, if it is.

Frank made his way down his street, his feet dragging in his Doc's. He had stayed at Gerard's house all day and not it was time to go home, if you could even call it that.

Is it really a home if you're afraid of going back? Is it still home if you have to sneak in and out just so you won't get hit? Is it really home if you can't eat because your dad can't bothered to buy any food? If you can't sleep at night, afraid he'll wake you up in his drunken state and beat you to death? Can you really, genuinely, call that home?

Frank threw his bag through his window and climbed through, sighing and sliding down his wall. He could hear his dad breaking things, punching them, throwing the dirty plates around.  He assumed that his dad hasn't realized Frank had gone, his room looked the same as it did before he left.

Frank's parents were divorced, his mother moved away, leaving Frank here with his dad. Frank loved his mom, and she loved him, but she couldn't have just taken Frank away from his life. Frank used to have a life, before his alcoholic father chased all his friends away. Frank had only had Jamia after that. Sometimes Pete. But they never knew. Frank kept them away from his house, nobody really knew where he lived. He couldn't bare having more friends being taken away from him, his life being ripped away from him all over again.

He had Gerard, now.

Which could be a mix of good and bad. He had someone he could rant to, love, be happy around, Hell, could make him happy. But, Gerard would want to meet Frank's dad one day. He'd want to come over and snuggle in Frank's torn up mattress. He'd want to make poptarts in Frank's beer bottle covered kitchen. He'd want to have a nice dinner in the dining room, which has now been turned into the alcohol storage room. He'd want to see the mess that was Frank Iero's pathetic thing he called a life. Then he'd leave. Once Gerard got in too deep, he'd leave and never come back, just like everyone else. His excuses would pile up like math homework, the stack getting higher and higher as time went by. He'd stop texting him. He'd cut all contact of Frank out of his life. Frank would fall off the cliff of hope into a pit of spikes, being empaled  by depression and the further down his sank, the more blood and happiness was lost. Gerard's scars would fade and re appear on Frank's skin. After a few months, he'd run. He'd run far away. Find a barn. Tie up a rope. Await death. Maybe he'd put up a clock, watch the last few seconds of his life drain away. They'd wash away, just like the only hopes and dreams Frank had had. This was always his escape route. Suicide. His thoughts were always, 'if that doesn't work out I'll just kill myself.' Because, yes, that's totally a good way to solve your problems.

But Frank had Gerard.

And it was now.

Not two months from now.

Not a year from now.

It's not tomorrow.

It's today.

And Gerard really likes Frank.

And that's all that matters.

Because it's today.

And it's now.

Trigger warning over

"Frank!" An older sounding man slurred out, slamming open Frank's door. There stood Frank's dad, wasted. Covered in shit, piss, semen, you name it.

"Hi dad." Frank said, forcing a smile.

Mr. Iero reeked of beer and human feces, but really, what's new?

"What have you been doing, all day?" The older man asked, leaning on the door frame.

"Hanging out with my boyfriend."

It slipped out of Frank's mouth before he could stop himself. He immediately covered his mouth and his face went red. So did is father's. The only difference was that Frank's face was red out of shock, his father's out of rage.

"You have a what?"

"A-a girlfriend! I meant girlfriend!" Frank tried to correct himself, backing away.

Another trigger warning

Frank's father scoffed and disbelief and stumbled towards Frank, slapping him hard across the face, leaving a hot red mark on his face.

Mr. Iero got a rush, and continued to beat his son. Frank's teeth bled and his stomach ached. (Hahahahaha get it? I hate myself I'm sorry I'll show myself out)

As soon as his dad backed away, he spat in his face.

"A faggot will never live in my house. Get out." Mr. Iero yelled out and began to smash things again.

Frank swiftly collected his bag, throwing some essentials from his room in it and bolted it past his father and out the front door.

Frank forgot that he had nowhere to go.

But then he realized.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trigger end

"He did what?!" Gerard yelled out, standing up from his spot on the couch while Frank placed ice against one of the many bruises Mrs way had cleaned up.

Frank flinched slightly, curling up more into a ball.

"Gerard, sweetie, calm down." Donna patted Gerard's leg as he sat down.
"We'll take care of you Frankie."

"Thanks Mrs. Way." Frank smiled.

"I'm so fucking mad!" Gerard exclaimed, furiously tapping his foot.

"Frank have you eaten dear?" Donna asked, getting up from her spot on the chair across from Frank.

"Uh, no, no not yet." Frank shook his head.

Suddenly, he felt more weight beside him. Frank turned, getting a face full of his beautiful boyfriend.

"Hey." Gerard placed a hand on Frank's jaw and slid his thumb in patters on his cheek. "I'm sorry what happened, but I'm here now, okay?" Gerard smiled.

Frank smiled and nodded, leaning into Gerard's touch. Gerard gently placed a kiss on Frank's lips and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.

"I know that you usually do this for me, so I want to do this for you." Gerard smiled, cuddling up to his super cute boyfriend.

"Mm, love you-" Frank's eyes widened and opened his mouth again to apologize but he was cut off.

Gerard smiled and kissed the top of Frank's head. "Love you too, Frankie."

Frank calmed down and snuggled into his boyfriends arms, just happy that he now had a home.

Sorry for making this so sad!! The next chapter is gonna be better, I promise.


There's smut ;)


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