Chapter 6

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Gerard slammed his fist on to the stall by Frank's head, making the smaller boy jump and splash water everywhere. "What the fuck did you say to Lynz." Gerard growled. Gee wasn't generally a violent person, but when he was angry, he was really angry. It's been a few days since the fight and Lynz has started acting weird and flinching every time someone other than Gerard started to speak to him.

Frank snickered, "why do you want to know?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"Because I'm done with you bullying my friends, Frank." Gerard shoved him forcefully against the wall, making Frank slam against the brick and yell out at the pain. "You know, I was really upset that you didn't like me, or that you thought you were better than me, and that's okay because that's about me. But as soon as you start dragging my friends into your problematic hormonal mess you call a life, I get pissed." Gerard practically yelled in his face. Frank visibly gulped.

"Just go home and cut yourself, you fucking fag." Frank growled, whimpering as he stood up. Before Frank could comprehend what was going on, Gee had slapped him across the face so hard he couldn't feel his cheek and it was bleeding. Gerard stormed out of the washroom, hips swaying and a scowl plastered onto his very pale and round face.

Trigger warning

Frank's words echoed through his head as he dropped his school bag at the door. Gerard ran downstairs to his room, sobbing.

Fag a voice that sounded familiar to Frank's spat .

Go cut yourself, those three words became a hard rock like clump in his brain, refusing to leave.

Maybe I will, Gerard thought to himself, walking to the washroom and pulling out a small bag of razors from the medicine cabinet . Gerard closed the washroom door, locking it so that nobody could enter at free will. Gerard made his way towards the bathtub and sat in it, leaning his head back against the wall. Gerard began his first slice, not cutting too deep just in case and watching the Crimson and warm blood drip down his skin. The cut began as a plain white line, but soon enough the cut began to gain a red colour and filling the cut up with blood. The dark fluid dripped onto the white bathtub, staining it a light pink. The warm liquid slid across the bathroom, drawing lines on the bathtub floor and wall as it made its way towards the drain. The blood made lines on the bath tub, almost looking like a beautiful piece of watercolour art. As Gerard carved more lines into his skin, he heard the front door open and slam shut. Overhead, he heard a few pairs of feet scampering around and then a loud moan. This wasn't a woman's moan, it was a boyish one. Fuck this, Gerard immediately thought. He quickly cleaned off his hands and washed out the bathtub. Gerard couldn't stand the noise of his brother and Frank's friend having sex, so he grabbed a random black hoodie and ran out the door.

Gerard didn't really have anywhere to go to, he didn't have any friends or places to go, so he walked to the park near his house. While on his way to the swings, he saw a smaller looking boy with his hood pulled up sitting on the third of the four swings. Gerard sat on the first swing, trying to not bug the other person. Gerard could hear him sniffling and sobbing, saw the tears hitting the rocks and stain them with water. Gerard pulled out his pack of cigarettes and lit one, pressing the cancer stick to his mouth and inhaling.

"I-I'm s-so s-sorry." The boy choked out and Gerard looked confused.

"Excuse me?" Gerard asked, pulling his hood up.

The boy pulled his hood down and looked at Gerard, revealing who he was to Gerard. It was Frank. Frank was sitting on the swings sobbing because he was sorry.

"Woah, woah Frankie you okay?" Gerard immediately became concerned, yeah, Frank was a dick to him, hell, is a dick to him, but he couldn't just watch him sob and cry like his parents had just passed. Gerard made his way to Frank, sitting on his knees in front of Frank.

"N-no." Frank shook his head and looked down at Gerard. His face was bright red and tear stained, tears continuously rolling down his face and soaking it. "I-I'm such an a-a-asshole." Frank hiccuped. Gerard pulled him into a hug and rolled up his sleeves so he could hold him better.

"Shh, it's okay Frank." Gerard swayed them, holding his bully's head and shushing him every time he hiccuped.

"W-why are you being so n-nice?" Frank sobbed out, holding on to Gerard for dear life.

"Because I don't like when I see people I care about crying." Gerard admitted, picking up the lightweight boy and carrying him to a bench. Gerard sat him in his lap and held on to Frank like he was a child. He brushed some hair out of Frank's face and hear a loud gasp come from the smaller boy. "Hm?" Gerard asked, completely oblivious to the fact that one of his cuts had re opened and blood bad began rolling down his arm.

"D-did I do that to you?" Frank looked up to Gerard with puppy dog eyes, "I swear I didn't mean it!" Frank yelled out and wrapped his arms around Gerard's neck tightly.

Gerard sighed out and ignored the blood on his arm, focussing on Frank. "No, no Frankie. I did it. I was just really sad that you don't like me." Gerard hummed, still holding the upset boy.

"B-but I do like you." Frank nuzzled his head into the crook of Gerard's neck and cupped Gerard's cheek in his hand. "I 'wus j-just saying that because I'm not allowed to." Frank hiccuped, looking up at Gerard.

Gerard sighed out and kissed the top of the younger boy's head. "Why aren't you Frankie?" Gerard questioned, still rocking them back and forth.

"M-my dad said that it's a s-sin and that if I keep kissing boys he's gonna hurt me." Frank sobbed out, his tears dripping down on to Gerard's neck. "I don't wanna be hurt, Gee."

Gerard's eyes widened and he held Frank tighter. "Oh no. No, Frankie he'd never hurt you. Oh Frankie." Gerard gasped out and nuzzled his head next to Frank's, planting a small kiss on his cold and puffy cheeks.

"H-hey Gee?" Frank asked, calming down a bit.

"Yeah?" Gerard mumbled, trying to pull Frank closer to him. 

"C-can I kiss you?" Frank questioned, pulling away from Gerard and looking him in the eyes.

"Uh, I 'dunno Frankie. You ran away last time and got all upset, I don't wanna upset you." Gerard admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

"N-no, I really want to." Frank admitted.

"O-okay." Gerard nodded and leaned in to kiss Frank. Frank cupped Gerard's cheek in his hand and passionately kissed Gerard. Their kiss lasted a while, not going past just kissing though. When both boys pulled away, their lips were red and chapped. Frank smiled really big and threw his arms around Gerard, lovingly. Gerard could feel Frank grinning against his neck and it made him smile.

"Thanks Gee." Frank nuzzled his head in Gerard's neck. "Will you stop hurting yourself?" Frank asked.

Gerard nodded, "I'll try." He confirmed. Frank giggled, He fucking giggled, and continued to grin larger than a little kid at Disney world.

"Hey Frankie?" Frank hummed in response, nodding into his neck. "Does your dad hit you a lot?"

Frank nodded, "m sometimes." He sighed out, tightening his grip on Gerard. Gerard just nodded an continued to hug the younger boy.

So this is why he's been acting up Gerard thought, rocking Frank back and forth.

This isn't edited because I was really excited to get it published!! Hope you guys enjoyed!!


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