Hallowbeeb part 1

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3 days until Halloween

"Hey Frank?" Gerard looked up from his sketch worn out book and turned around on his black spinny chair.

Frank looked up from his homework, he was working on some stupid science question about density of something unbearable like that.

"Hm?" Frank questioned, he knitted his brows together and narrowed his eyes, his lip bottom lip was caught between his teeth.

"So, your birthday is coming up," Gerard's forehead crinkled and he made a silly face like he usually did when he was really thinking about something, "what do you want to do?"

Frank shrugged.

"Whatever you wanna do." Frank replied, turning back to his work.

Frank and Gerard had become better friends since the hospital incident. They had both agreed to keep it simple, to not date and just be friends.. Well, friends with benefits. Gerard didn't want the pressure of having to take Frank out on dates often and having to talk to him twenty four seven and have to be an amazing boyfriend, on his scarred shoulders. He had just gotten out of the hospital and he was overwhelmed by medication and trying to get back into the feel of things to start a relationship. Frank was still trying to cope with the fact that Gerard could have died, and Frank was to blame.

Gerard had been back from the hospital for two weeks now, and hadn't gone to school yet. His meds had fucked up his sleep schedule and his scars hadn't completely healed. He also didn't want to have to deal with the kids asking about what happened to him, he hasn't quite pieced that together quite yet either.

Gerard wasn't worried about going back to school, Frank had promised that he wouldn't be an asshole, knowing how much physical and emotional pain that had caused Gerard. Mikey and Frank both talked to Pete and told Pete that he could beat up Frank or humiliate Frank in front of everyone at school if Frank said anything, absolutely anything, or did anything, absolutely anything, to Gerard to cause him extreme pain and cause him to relapse back into cutting himself.  He just wasn't ready.

Lynz was cool, he didn't really mind Frank anymore and they got along. Frank sometimes screwed up Lynz's pronouns or called him by the wrong name but Frank always corrected himself and apologized and then continued on with his sentence. Gerard had noticed that whenever Frank did that, that he would smile and sit up straight. Frank and Lynz now only fought over the dumbest things, like who would get the last cup of coffee or who would get the last cool ranch Dorito. Even though those two were the ones to fight over it, Gerard usually ended up with the prize. They both loved Gerard too much to say no, so they just let him have it.

"Do you think we'll ever have sex?" Gerard asked, breaking the silence and staring up at the ceiling.

Frank almost fell off the fucking bed, shocked that Gerard was talking about this. Frank never brought up sex around Gerard, he didn't know if Gerard was comfortable having sex or not, and Frank wasn't going to be an asshole and pressure him into anything.

Frank cleared his throat and collected himself.

"Uh, if you'd like," Frank's voice cracked slightly, causing Gerard to giggle. "But I don't want to pressure you. I mean, it's your virginity, if you think I'm the right guy that you want to lose it to, not saying you have to, I mean,"

"Frank you're a boy, you've gone without sex for almost a year and a half. I know you want to. I know you don't want to pressure me, just answer me, yes or no. Do you think we'll ever have sex?" Gerard chuckled and looked Frank in the eyes.

"Well, I mean. I'd like to. If you're comfortable." Frank cleared his throat again.

"So, what are your thoughts on sex. Like.. soon." Gerard continued.

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