three - waiting

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WAKING UP HAD always been my least favorite part of the day. I loved sleep, I loved sleep with a passion, because then there was no worries. I rarely had nightmares, so you could say that my dreams were always nice. A good six to eight hours of peacefulness, and recently, a good six to eight hours of dreaming of lips and hands and green eyes. But today, the best part was that the dreams I was having, could keep going while I was awake.

Slowly, I stretched my arms and legs. Giving myself a few seconds to fully wake up before facing Harry. However, as I reached for him next to me on the bed, I felt something crisp, like a piece of paper. The surprise made me jump. I expected something warm and soft, I expected to feel Harry next to me in bed. Instead I got a piece of paper.

I sat up, my hands shaking as I brought the paper in front of my eyes. I recognized Harry's handwriting, small, a little messy, but oh so Harry. Having just woken up, I had to squint my eyes a little to read properly.

«Had a call from Mark, he needs me on a job today. I'm so so so sorry that you're waking up alone but I couldn't wake you up, you're too pretty when you sleep.

Come by my place after your shift tonight? Around 6, I want to see you.

H. xxxx (I gave you an extra kiss, now you have to come by my place tonight)»

As I read what Harry had written, I vaguely remembered feeling a kiss on my cheek what seemed like minutes ago, but I was so tired that it felt like it had only been a dream. Turns out it probably wasn't my imagination.

I found it cute that he took the time to write this note. It was strangely out of character but by now, nothing surprised me with Harry. Nothing could really top the revelation from the night before.

He had told his friends that I was his girlfriend. Girlfriend. As in in a relationship. I still hadn't fully wrapped my head around that. For that revelation alone, it was obvious that I was going to Harry's tonight to clear it up, know if I was making a big deal out of nothing.

I slowly turned on my side to look at the clock. 8:25. Which meant that I had woken up a little before my alarm. Harry must have gone around 7:30 since the memory of kiss didn't seem to distant in time.

A low grunt escaped my lips as I stretched some more before getting out of bed. I had to work from 10 to 5 at the restaurant and I had to admit that even though there was a good reason behind it, waking up alone definitely affected my mood. I expected to wake up my head resting against a warm chest and tattooed arms wrapped around me. Instead, my legs were tangled with cool sheets and my head was lying against a soft pillow. It did, however, help me get out of bed quicker since there wasn't really anything keeping me in it.

As I stepped a foot outside of my bed, my alarm went off. I reached for it and stopped it before heading into the kitchen. I made myself a quick breakfast : oatmeal topped with fruits, then went to the bathroom to take a shower, brush my teeth, dry my hair and put on my make up. I was done a few minutes early and seized that occasion to pack an overnight bag for tonight, just in case. Then I was out the door and off to work.

When I arrived, I saw the familiar blond head peaking through the kitchen window. I was ten minutes early so I decided to go into the kitchen to have a quick chat with my favorite cook before starting my shift.

"Hi Niall," I greeted him joyfully as I entered the kitchen. Seeing him pushed my sour mood at the back of my head and replaced it with utter joy.

"Emy," he exclaimed once his eyes landed on me. "I thought you were at your parent's."

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