eleven - bite

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NOTHING HAD EVER felt this right. Over the past few weeks, things hadn't really been easy between Harry and I. Series of events kept happening and setting us back. But as we stood in the cabin, sailing on the calm water, and watched the sunset, nothing had ever felt so good.

It felt as if we were leaving all of our problems on the land and enjoying the present moment.

I shouldn't have reveled in this momentary lapse of peacefulness, but it was hard to resist. After everything, it felt right to be standing here with him.

"Why isn't it always that way between us?" I asked, adjusting the position of my head so that I would be able to take a good look at Harry.

He looked down, smirking. "Because I think Mark needs his boat back," he replied, seemingly proud of his joke.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "You know that's not what I meant," I said, a hint of a laugh escaping my lips.

Harry's hand lowered to my hip and squeezed it a little. "Working for it makes us enjoy moments like these more," he offered as an explanation.

I kissed his neck quickly. "It really does," I agreed.

After a few more minutes of cruising around, we stopped in the middle of what I believed to be a lake, but really I didn't know exactly where we were. Harry seemed to know what he was doing, stopping the engine and pressing buttons until the boat came to a full stop. I watched him in awe, he looked in control, as if he had done this times and times before. But I knew he hadn't. It was just his usual confidence, the way he carried himself.

"We're all set," he announced as he turned around to face me. "You hungry?"

I nodded and he grabbed my hand to lead me out of the cabin. The air had gotten a lot colder since we had left the docks. And being in the middle of the lake while the sun had set surely didn't help our case. Still, the temperature was relatively warm for that time of the year. I was also so happy and excited that the cold didn't even bother me at this point. I knew Harry had brought blankets to keep us warm and I knew that we would find a way to fight off the cold together.

On our way, Harry had grabbed the bags and was now unfolding one of the blankets. I watched as he settled everything, not exactly knowing what I could do to help. Harry seemed to want to do everything himself. It was his date, he was in control and clearly he wanted to impress me.

Every now and then, as he set the blankets, the heaters, and the food, he would look at me, smiling softly and his eyes filled with happiness. It was a pleasure to watch him get everything ready and I was almost disappointed when he sat down and patted the empty space next to him.

"Food is ready," he said with a humorous tone.

I giggled softly before sitting next to him. I crossed my legs and grabbed a blanket to wrap it around me. Harry helped me to adjust it so that I would be able to eat without making a mess, then he reached into a bag for two large thermoses, plastic glasses and a bottle of red wine.

"Fancy," I commented as he pulled out the bottle of wine.

He winked before putting the bottle down and taking the thermoses in his hand. "Wait until you see what's in this."

I leaned towards him, waiting for him to open it up and reveal what was inside. He took his time, building up the anticipation. Once he pulled the top off, I immediately smelled what was inside.

"Spaghetti?" I asked while laughing.

He smirked, knowing that he had built my expectations much higher that this. "You love spaghetti," he teased.

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