twenty-five - accidentally

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GOING BACK TO work wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. After lounging around for a whole week, I expected my return to be a lot more difficult. Instead, I realized that I actually missed working and I missed being busy. It got even better when I realized that I was working with Melissa. I'd missed her a lot and it had been a while since I'd last seen her.

I was used to be working with Niall since we have similar working hours, but Melissa and I rarely worked together. We did sometimes run each other when one of us was finishing and the other was starting work.

It felt like so much had happened since we both had a good chat together. I didn't even know where she and Niall were now. When I asked him, he gave me a typical boyish answer. 'We're good, things are good'. He didn't go into more details than that, but I knew that Melissa would.

So when I came to work, I was smiling from ear to ear, happy to be back in a place that was so familiar.

When Melissa and I saw each other, we were in the employees' room and the both of us got so excited that we screamed and ran into each other's arms. It wasn't like me to do that, both our enthusiasm got the best of us, to a point where we looked like giggling schoolgirls, but it made working on a Friday much nicer.

The night was busy, Mel and I ran around the restaurant, trying to serve the customers in reasonable time, but it was fun. The cooks were efficient and Mel and I were in a great mood, I'm sure the customers could feel it and that it influenced their attitude because everyone was so nice and tipped well, and anyone who has ever worked as a waitress knows that this doesn't happen often.

Everything was just set out to make my first day back perfect. It got even better when the rush slowed down and Mel and I started to clean the restaurant and prepared everything for the next rush, finally able to have a full conversation.

"How the hell did you get a concussion from cleaning," Mel exclaimed, throwing her head back and laughing.

I shook my head and joined her laughter. "I don't know, ok? I was surprised and jumped up and knocked my head."

"I can't believe you," she said, holding in her laughter as she washed the tables. "What was so surprising that you jumped so hard?"

I sighed, my smile fading a little, and washed the counter with a little more intensity. "Oh you know, just my best friend, that has fallen for my boyfriend and who I was mad at, coming back home."

She looked up her eyes wide. "Wait a minute," she said dropping her washcloth on the table. "I'm guessing that by boyfriend you mean Harry? Or has that situation changed?"

"Yeah, yeah, Harry. We're dating. As a matter of fact, we celebrated our one month together," I replied, this time unable to hold a smile.

"Congrats!" she cheered.

"Thanks," I replied, beaming.

"Now, what the hell is the situation with your best friend?" she asked, frowning and crossing her arms over her chest.

I proceeded to tell her about everything that had happened and I realized that talking about it helped me a lot. It didn't anger me, because I felt like Wendy and I had resolved that issue and that we could move on. But it did help make sense out of the situation and gave me an exterior point of view. I was so caught up in everything that happened in my life to get the full understanding.

"Wow, I get why you gave yourself a concussion," she said with her eyes wide. "I would want to knock myself out to just have a minute to breathe too."

I rolled my eyes but laughed. "I didn't do it on purpose, trust me. But yeah, the situation was a headache in itself."

"And you're just going to forgive her and move on?"

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