twelve - fine

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THE WORST PART about going on dates is that eventually they have to end. Obviously there are dates that you can't wait until they're over, but with Harry and I, that wasn't the case. After falling asleep under the stars, it was the first few rays of sun that woke us up. Waking up with the sun in our eyes was irritating, but being in Harry's arms, and comfortably laying naked under the blankets while the boat rocked to the rhythm of the waves was one of the best ways to wake up. That's why we had such a hard time getting out of the blankets. The date had gone so well, the night had been so good to us, it was hard to think that once we would get out of the blankets and get dressed we were going back to reality.

To me, the worst part wasn't thinking about going back home, but rather go home to Wendy and face her. It hadn't been on my mind during the whole date but as it slowly dawned on me that we couldn't stay on the boat forever and ignore everything else, everything that bothered me came back to my mind.

So as I started to move and stretch my legs, I couldn't help but to grunt into Harry's neck. "I don't want to get up," I whined before putting my arms around his neck.

Harry laughed softly and kissed the top of my head. "I don't want to either, but we have to go," he said, his tone apologetic. "I promised Mark I'd work tonight."

"Fine," I reluctantly mumbled before stretching my legs once more and sitting up.

I grabbed the blankets and secured it so that my chest was covered and reached for my clothes, leaving Harry with barely anything on. Obviously, I seized the occasion to take a good look at him, admiring just how handsome he was, until my eyes landed on the light purple spot on his neck. I bit my lower lip and laughed silently, somehow proud to have marked him. Harry caught me looking and smiled, he didn't care that I was checking him out, he loved it. He thrived on the attention people gave him and I was glad to be the one to give him that.

"You're looking fine, Mr. Styles," I teased him, winking before going on my knees so that I could grab my shirt.

Then all of a sudden, I felt a hard slap on my, which made me yelp and turn around quickly to throw my shirt at Harry.

"What the hell?" I yelled in surprise.

Harry chuckled and leaned back with his hands behind his head. "You have a fine, miss Hampton," he replied with that signature smirk of his.

I tried to keep my expression neutral, but after a few seconds of staring at Harry, a small smile slowly crept on my lips. As he saw me smile, one of his hands grabbed mine and pulled me to him. I landed on his chest, my laugh resonating around us, as he held me with both of his hands on my bum.

"What? You do," he said, squeezing it a little.

I squirmed on top of him before kissing his cheeks between giggles. "Glad you're enjoying it," I replied.

"Very much so," he confirmed, kissing my cheeks as well.

I hummed into his neck. Even if I had just gathered the courage I needed to get up, now that I was back on Harry's chest, I couldn't find that courage again. So we stayed on the boat floor, a couple more minutes. Harry caressed my back softly up and down, to a point where I got so comfortable that I almost fell asleep again.

"I'm glad we did this," Harry whispered.

"Yeah," I mumbled sleepily. "It was perfect. Thank you," I said before kissing up his neck.

After reaching his cheek, I leaned back so that I could look at him. Although he still had that smirk on his lips, his eyes were soft and full of love. It amazed me how he could talk so much with his body. Over the years, I had gotten really used to reading his body language. But lately, he had slowly gotten better at communicating, actually he had gotten a lot better and I liked just how much he was trying. It wasn't clear if he actually tried to open up more or if he was just finally comfortable enough to trust me. It was something I thought about a lot, was Harry comfortable with me or was he forcing it?

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