twenty-nine - bump

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Three days to the wedding

The days were going by faster than I wanted them to. I felt as if there was so much I had to work out and with work, there was barely enough time to do it all.

My first priority was to make sure that Harry was comfortable at the wedding. I don't think that he knew how much effort I put in this, just so that he wouldn't have to worry about it, but I did it anyway. Because if I could somehow make him happy, I was ready to do anything.

Since I had told Gemma that we would attend the wedding, I had gotten a lot more details about what it was going to be like. A small wedding in a chapel and the reception in the garden. I didn't think that the reception was going to be a problem, our hometown chapel's garden was beautiful, but most importantly, it was immense, which meant that there were plenty of places to hide in case Harry wanted to.

What worried me the most, though, was the wedding itself. The chapel was small and didn't leave Harry many options to avoid his parents. That was something that he had made clear from the start: he didn't want to talk to them. That made things a little more complicated, but I knew it was something that we could manage.

I wasn't going to force Harry to speak to his parents, but they might try. So earlier in the day, I took a chance and texted Gemma, hoping that she hadn't told everyone yet that Harry was going to be there and I tried to demand as nicely as possible if she could keep it a secret.

Her reply surprised me.

*I warned my parents that Harry was going to be there and asked them to leave him alone. They promised me that they wouldn't approach him if he didn't approach them first."

I don't think I had ever been so thankful towards someone. This was the best that I could've hoped for. It was one last thing to worry about.

When I got home after work, I realised that we didn't really know where to stay. My parents' house was a little too far from where the wedding was. Plus, I knew that there was a possibility that Harry might flip out, and I didn't want that to happen while my parents were there.

"This is really last minute, but where should we stay while we're down at the wedding?" I asked, looking up from my computer screen and the few hotel options that it displayed.

Harry didn't even bother to tear his eyes away from the tv and shrugged. "I don't know, outside of the city maybe?"

I turned towards him a little, careful not to drop my computer that was resting on my lap. "Why not in a hotel near the reception? If we want to drink a glass or two, it might be more convenient."

That had him looking at me. "I don't plan on staying long at the reception," he reminded me with stern eyes.

I nodded, I didn't want to start a fight about this, and he was right to remind me. I had told him that I would support him through whatever he decided and the choice that he made was to go to the wedding but be subtle about it and not stay long. I had to respect that.

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